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Cloth Diaper Care: Preserving Lamination

With the right wash routine and detergent, your Thirsties products will  last  through one child, and often times on to the next.  Below are some ways to help preserve the lamination and other components on your diapers and covers:   Follow the manufactures' Care and Use instructions. We recommend a warm prewash, followed by a hot wash, warm rinse, and another warm rinse. If you have an HE machine, do not use the sanitize cycle for anything with elastic, lamination, or hook and loop fasteners. For detailed care instructions please visit:   Use a cloth diaper safe detergent without harmful additives. Detergent ingredients to avoid include pure soaps, chemical softeners, artificial brighteners, fragrances, dyes, Borax, and bleach. Do not use additives along with your detergent unless otherwise recommended by Thirsties. Additives may be harsh or offset the PH balance of the wash water.   Hang to dry or dry on low in the dryer. High heat will hasten the life of any diapering product. A 15 minute cycle  in the dryer on high once a month is beneficial for the lamination, but not more than that! High heat is especially harsh on hook and loop fasteners and elastics.   Note: All warranties are void if harsh detergents, additives, or improper routines have been used to wash or dry your Thirsties diapers.   Wipe the laminate on your covers down in between uses, and rinse any soil off as soon as possible. This will keep odors and stains at bay.   What if the laminate has a bad odor? We recommend checking our wash instructions to make sure that the recommended instructions have been followed. Use a recommended detergent. Do not bleach your diapering products with laminate. You may use a liquid fabric softener to help remove odors from covers, but we recommend using a sink or bucket to do this. You would then wash the covers with detergent and add an extra rinse on warm (separate from your other diapering products). Do this only as needed. Do not use fabric softener on your other diapering products.    What if  the lamination on my diapering product is defective? Rest assured, lamination defects are very, very rare!  But if you happen to be one of the unlucky few that come across a factory flaw have no fear!  Your Thirsties product is covered under the 365 day warranty period.  Just contact us at:   We hope that you enjoy the use of Thirsties diapering products for a long time to come (or until baby is potty trained). ;) Please send any questions to ~Sonya
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  • We never dry our covers in the dryer, my wife would kill me

    Carl W on
  • I know it says not to use chlorine bleach, but what about OxyClean?

    Lynsey on
  • When will it be available?

    Jennifer Reinhardt on
  • Wow this is super great to know!

    Sierra on
  • Ladies- we have a few of the super wash still in stock at ;-)

    sasha on

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