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How do I prep my Thirsties diapers for use?

image of washing machine
Before wearing...
Wash and dry all diapers and covers at least one time before use, using a cloth diaper safe detergent. You will want to wash and dry your hemp and natural cotton diapers at least 3 times before use to wash away the natural oils, and fluff for absorption. It is recommended to wash the natural fibers separate from your other diapers for the first three prep washes to keep the oils from redistributing on your diapers. No need to do a special load for prepping natural fibers, just throw them in with your other white laundry – just take care to use a cloth diaper safe detergent! You can find more about care and use tips at: To read more articles about how to care for your cloth diapers read our "Thirsties Therapy" blog post series.
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  • Love clothies!

    Michelle on
  • Thanks for the info, it was just what I was searching for :)

    Christi Keeler on
  • Does anyone prep their prefolds in one of the stackable holders that tie on to a changing table? I have seen this in a YouTube video, but didn’t know if it was any more or less practical than simple keeping the prefolds in a open storage container at the table?

    Michael Cornett on
  • Jean, that is pretty cool! I will have to try that with my next cloth inserts I buy! Thanks for the tip!

    Alycia Walker on
  • Over here in Australia we’re continually developing ways to save water. Did you know that if you soak your new nappy/inserts overnight in plain cold water, it can halve the number of times you need to prewash to reach full absorbency? Very cool…

    Team Darlings on

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