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Making Your Own Baby Leg Warmers

The finished product.[/caption] Hello Thirsties Friends! I’m very excited, as this is my first blog article for Thirsties! I’m Jessica, and I am mom to a 4 year old son named Jacob, and a 4 month old daughter named Elise. I work on Customer Service in the afternoons for Thirsties. As many of you know, being a working mom with a new baby does not leave much time for being crafty! I did recently find a few minutes of quiet time when Elise was playing by herself on her play mat and Jacob was still in bed. I had heard that it was very simple to make a pair of leg warmers for babies, so I decided to give it a try! We live in Colorado, and while it’s still unusually warm here our living space is already a bit chilly. So this would mean no more onesie outfits for Elise, and I have to admit that I am not a huge fan of baby pants! I decided to take my well deserved and rare free time to make a pair of baby leg warmers out of a pair of adult size knee-high socks. It was really very simple. I only had two pairs of socks to turn into leg warmers, but it took me less than 5 minutes per pair, so I almost ransacked my sock drawer for more pairs of knee socks to make more! The best part about leg warmers on babies is that it makes diaper changes a breeze!  It can also help control compression leaking, as the leg warmers do not put any pressure on the diaper. I don’t have a tutorial for you today, but there are many sites that offer instruction. I’m sure you can find one suitable for your skill level in no time. I simply typed in “baby leg warmer tutorial” on Google and came up with a few sites, which I have listed below: What about you, have any of you made leg warmers? If so, please post a photo on our Facebook page, I’d love to see them! ~Jessica
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  • Pinning is winning! Love this!

    Diana @ Nanny to Mommy on
  • I have made my own baby legs using adult argyle socks they are cute except they roll down at the upper thights

    Amye on
  • Ooh, I am going to do this! What a simple idea – I even have socks I can use! How have I not thought of this?!

    Heidi on
  • Those are cute. I have so many more sewing projects on my list right now than I have time to actually finish, but I keep adding more ideas to my Pinterest board just the same.

    Marcelaine on
  • I am drying to try this out!! I bought a whole bunch of holiday knee highs that were on sale for $.50 a piece so I am excited to try it out.

    Beth R on

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