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Prefolds and Affordability

It is hard to save those pennies. Sometimes we just have the bare minimum to start cloth diapering, so what we choose to use has to stretch our dollar to the extreme. I remember when my son was a newborn, and I invested in a stash of organic one-size hemp/cotton fitted diapers. I was so excited that I would have a stash of organic, absorbent, and premium diapers. After I washed them up and tried them on my baby, I realized that they were way too big and bulky. They were also not very soft, which was a big issue with me. I wanted nothing but softness and comfort for my baby. (I am sure that resonates with all of you!) Being that I could not return them, I had to use them, knowing that they were making my baby uncomfortable. They were very absorbent, which is important, but they also made him very hot. They also only fit him for a short period. The moral of the story is; you don’t need the fancy diapers to cloth diaper. It is an investment, and the basic and affordable diapers may work just as well or better as the premium options. Enter the Prefold diaper. Prefolds are a very versatile and affordable cloth diapering option. They are very durable, and have uses beyond cloth diapering. They are made from natural fibers which are easier to clean. This has become one of my most recommended cloth diapering options! Now for some of you, this may bring visions of the old fashioned flat diapers, pins, and vinyl pants. But cloth diapers have a new twist, even when using prefolds and covers. There is no longer a need for diaper pins with many of the new cover designs – simply trifold the prefold and lay into the cover. Please see the illustration below.


You will want to make sure to use a trim cover such as our Duo Wrap to keep the prefold in place and up against baby’s skin. The price of the Duo Wrap/Duo Hemp Prefold combo is about $384 per child from birth to potty training. This pricing is based on a stash of 20 diapers and 7 covers in size 1, and 12 diapers and 3 covers in size 2. You will need at least this amount if you wash every other day. Prefolds should last you through more than one child, compounding the savings. +    PrefoldsWraps: $384 Total water/energy/detergent and washer/dryer upkeep per child for 2.5 years: $502

Cheapest Disposables: $2000 +

Cloth diaper savings: $1114 +

Now, if the environmental and health benefits do not convert most parents, then it is usually the cost savings that will!   We are here to answer any questions that you may have. Please don’t hesitate to contact us! Email: Chat link and phone number: ~Sonya
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  • I hope to go this route with our next baby! Thank you for the info.

    Julie M. on
  • First baby coming in August. We have plans to use prefolds and covers primarily. It’s all so overwhelming!!

    Brianne Rushing on
  • I have to say, it was mainly the cost savings which prompted me to research cloth diapers. Once I started researching, I got excited about all the other benefits of cloth diapering too! Not to mention how cool they are now! :)

    ChandraD on
  • If I was able to start my stash over I’d do this. But I was too intimidated; I hadn’t known many cloth diaperers at all so just buying one size pockets was a leap of faith!

    Melanie on
  • I didn’t use prefolds until my second baby and they are so easy to take care of!

    Laurie on

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