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Spotlight on Cloth Diapering 101

The world of cloth diapering can be a lonely one. Even if your parents used cloth (as did mine), the game has changed SO much that much of what was done has completely changed. Sure, a few people still use pins with prefolds, but rubber pants are almost non-existent these days in favor of comfy, adorable covers, wraps, and pockets. When I asked my mother about her cloth experience, we realized how utterly different things had become - which means more choices, better technology, and greater options for your own baby’s needs today. Luckily, there are communities like our Thirsties Official Facebook Page and Thirsties Groupies Official Fan Chat that allow us to share our love of cloth diapers, as well as our questions and concerns. But, sometimes posting so publicly can be intimidating, especially for folks who are new to cloth. Sometimes you just need a concise but thorough spot that provides the answers you’re looking for, right? That’s why I thought I’d bring your attention to one of my favorite areas of the Thirsties site. I find myself heading back to Thirsties’ Cloth Diapering 101 all the time when I’m wondering about trying a different style (we mostly use AIOs but when our daughter started going through changes in her diet and sleep habits, I thought about switching things up) or am simply wondering about the best way to wash the dipes. Oh, and I always share the link with any friends who may be expecting or who have shown interest but have no idea where to start in their cloth diapering journey.
image of baby
Whether you’d like to educate an expecting mother who’s asked your advice or to let a critic know your reasons for cloth diapering, the first “Why Choose Cloth” section is a link that I always keep nearby. This does a great job of providing amazing information without over-explaining (which we tend to do when we get excited when we find another cloth diapering parent, right?). The sections about Cloth Diaper Terms, Types of Cloth Diapers, and Cloth Diaper Accessories give a more thorough definitions and synopses of all things cloth, as well. I particularly love the pros and cons list for the diaper types to help new cloth diapering parents decide what their needs really are. And the FAQ page is chock full of tips, from how many diapers you’ll need to how to keep baby dry through the night to, yes, even how to change a diaper.

Laundering Tips is probably one of the most popular links on the site. By far, the most questions I’ve seen on the internet with regards to cloth diapering have been about cleaning them, and this page gives a no-nonsense rundown of a good wash routine. I still refer back to it from time to time (like when I recently moved and had to figure out how to wash them in a different type of water). So, what was your biggest cloth diapering question ever? Where did you get your answer?

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