As most of you know, I'm a full time stay-at-home mom (maid, cook, nanny, chauffeur, doctor and dog walker) and a part-time blogger. I know that many of you, however, probably work outside of the home, and I can honestly tell you, I have a lot of days where I wish I did too. Being a stay at home isn't all sticky tables, runny noses, laundry stains, dirty dishes and poopy diapers-- it can be fun at times fun too and my moods often switch from bliss to stress in five to ten minute increments. I do love the fact that using cloth diapers means that no matter how many poopy diapers we have in one day, I just throw my Thirsties in the wash.
Yesterday I had Cooper at the gym where I often go to do a light workout and get some writing done. The daycare is great. He's been going since he was six weeks old and he's happy to get out of the house. I call it my office and it even has WiFi. I get two hours of daycare daily with our membership and it's been my lifesaver. I always bring Cooper in his cloth diapers and I bring two extras. I change his diaper before we leave and toss the soiled one in the wet-bag and the extra back into the diaper bag.
Since I'm always there, the daycare ladies have become quite familiar with Cooper's cloth diaper booty--but not because they've ever changed him--they're not "allowed" to so if he, or any other baby poops, they go and find his or her mother or father in the gym---yes, even if you're running at 6.0 on the treadmill or right in the middle of an oh-so-relaxing "Child's pose" in a yoga class--and silently beckon with a crooked finger and an apologetic smile that says "I'm not a bit sorry that I don't have to change your child's poopy diaper for you."
The last time I was there, one of the daycare workers, an elderly lady of whom I'm quite fond, commented on how "fancy" Cooper's Thirsties were. She said that she had bought some cloth diapers for her grand-baby but that her daughter-in-law doesn't use them because the baby goes to daycare while she's at work and that they're not allowed. This got me thinking--is cloth diapering done mainly by stay-at-home moms? I have a hard time believing that there aren't lots and lots of cloth-diapering families that have both parents working outside of the home.
So tell me, if your child goes to a daycare, whether it's in someone's home or at a center, do you bring your cloth diapers and if so, is it more work for you or for the caregivers since they don't have access to all of your accessories, not to mention your diaper pail?
Working moms, tell us how you do it!
Parent Tested, Baby Approved
cloth diapers at childcare is a huge concern of mine. I am glad to hear that a lot of people did not have problems with it.
I used CD on my daughter 100% of the time. But I had to buy disposables for when my hunny babysat. I was getting pretty annoyed having to spend money on a pack of diapers and whiles when I had made a huge investment on cloth diapers and wipes. So I decided to just refused to keep buying the disposables. And now he’s all over them. He picks the color diaper that matches her outfit of the day. Can’t say how happy I am now.
I am a stay at home mom and I babysit for a neighbor. She lucked out! We both do prefolds! The ladies in my church nursery are willing to change cloth diapers. Our church just added a new location that we are helping launch which has changed things a bit. The woman who ran the room at the original location cloth diapered her children and grandchild. She was perfectly fine with it. The woman who leads the new location will do it. However, she has some trouble with prefolds and snappis. I got some good deals on disposables so while things are little crazy with the new campus we are going that route. We’ll make sure to bring fitteds for her when we run out of disposables.
We don’t go to daycare, but we go to our church nursery. And it depends on who is in there. My best friend use to keep it and she knew how to use our cloth diapers so I would bring my wraps and prefolds, but now I have been using disposables since she got married and left us! :) I just recently received an AIO and am thinking of sending him in his wrap and prefold, and then letting them change him into the AIO.
For the time being my sister watches my LO at home and she’s willing to use our cloth diapers. In the near future, we anticipate baby girl to need to go a daycare center. I sure hope to find one that accepts our cloth diapers.
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