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Cooper: Potty-Training Update at 23 Months

As promised, here's an update of Cooper's potty-training progress: Zero, Zip, Zilch, Nada, Nothing.
Cooper turns two on February 23rd. He's an outgoing little man with dirty blond hair, big blue eyes and dimple. He loves balls, trains, cars, his Bear and his pacifier. And he hates the potty. I mean, he really seems to dislike it, and for the life of me, I can't figure out why. I can understand why the big toilet, with the high seat and loud flushing noises might intimidate a little kid...but I'm not sure why he's so hesitant to even sit on the training potty. I can count on one hand the times I've gotten him on it and most of those times have required bribery: a chocolate chip or a TV show. Even then, he sits long enough to get his chip and is up and running. I wonder if the plastic is cold on his little buns? One day last week, I decided to roll up the rug in the living room, put the potty in the middle of it, undress Cooper and give him a sippy cup of water to drink. He now tells me when he's peeing and when's he's pooped and we talk about putting pee-pee and poo-poo in the potty. I tried to get him to sit down every once in a while. After an hour without any accidents on the floor, I knew he probably had to "go". However, it was soon evident that he wasn't going to be able to relax enough to "try" on the potty. I had been hoping serendipity might play a role and that with an enthusiastic enough round of applause from Mommy, he might get the idea. A moment later, I saw him casually leaning on the couch, with an elbow propping him up and looking like a much younger version of the man he will become. He cocked his head, looked at me with a big grin on his face, and said "Pee-pee" and then peed on the floor. I think it's safe to say "He's still not ready," but I want to keep trying every so often just to make sure I don't miss a window of opportunity that might get me out of washing diapers for too much longer. The good news is that his Size Two Thirsties are still working just fine for us. I've been using the Size Twos since he was about eight months and after dozens and dozens of washes my snaps, gussets, elastics and covers, Duo Fab-Fitteds and inserts are holding up just fine. Are any of you currently potty-training your cloth-diapered toddler? If so, how's it going?
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  • I tried early potty training my now 20 mo. old, but it is not working either :) I mean, he loves the toilet! Some days he even lets me know he needs to go before peeing! But it is very inconsistent. I have to give him though, that I have not been very consistent because I am pregnant and between the terrible first trimester and my last, in which I am super tired and picking him up an down the toilet sometimes is too much; plus a trip that daddy took that set everything back by a few months, I have not been the most dedicated potty mom.

    Have you tried the toilet with no adapter? This is the only way our child likes it!

    Constanza Ehrenhaus on
  • Check out Oh Crap Potty Training (I’m not with her, but really liked her book).

    It really sounds like he’s ready. He was able to recognize that he had to pee and tell you before he started to pee. That is big! Potty training takes time and consistency, don’t think he can’t do it at this age because the first try didn’t get in the potty.

    Jamie also has a radio show, you might like this

    M on
  • My 2 year (and 2 week!) old is now fully potty trained, including reliable self-initiation. For the first two months or so without diapers we had to prompt her, but she still got it mostly right.

    I’d recommend reading O Crap Potty Training ( – that’s the method I followed. She actually argues against “casual” potty training and just suggests you go for it and make it a Big Deal for the kiddo.

    Good luck :)

    Cari Miller on
  • We made it a special occasion for my daughter. Bought special stickers and she got to buy special big girl undies, when she got a certain number of stickers for going on the potty, then she got to choose the undies that she wore. It worked like a charm and by the end of the weekend she was ready. But I also never used the little plastic potties, I always had a step stool and a seat cover for her to use on the big girl potty. Keep trying! You can do it!

    Shanda on

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