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Gifts for the Cloth Diapering Family


'Tis the season to show others how much we care with a token from the heart! Or, at least, that's what we hope to do. When you're a cloth diapering family with a little one at home, so often we end up with gifts that don't accurately reflect our values and wishes. While we're grateful for whatever we receive and the thought behind it, getting things like chemical-laden baby toiletries (which we don't want to throw out, but also don't want to put on our baby's skin - or in contact with our cloth diapers) put us in a sticky situation. Here are some of the items that I have given (or have considered giving) fellow cloth diapering families at Christmastime: A Cloth Wipe Kit - I have a handful of friends and family who cloth diaper but who have been on the fence about using cloth wipes. This is the opportunity I take to show that a) I understand their plight and b) they can try it out without having to purchase anything themselves. So, a handful of wipes (use Thirsties' amazing wipes or just a package of nice, organic baby washcloths) and a spray bottle of Booty Luster packaged prettily in a sweet little basket makes for a thoughtful gift. A Cloth Diapering Care Kit - If you've helped out after a family welcomes their newborn home, odds are you've helped with laundry. If so, think about the kind of detergent they use (or start up a conversation of "I've read so many different opinions on washing cloth diapers; what's your method?" in a totally casual way) and package it up along with some wool dryer balls and maybe a diaper pail liner and you've got a thoughtful, practical gift option. Cloth Diapering-Friendly Balms - No matter what you give, toss in your favorite diaper rash treatment. Our favorite happens to be Booty Love, but even if you use a homemade option, include a little bottle and the fact that you "get" the whole "cloth diapering thing" will warm the recipient's heart. Your Absolute Favorite Diaper - Whether it's a Thirsties or not, a new cloth diaper is an AMAZING gift for any cloth diapering parents. (We, of all people, know the value of a good diaper, and knowing that it's got your own personal stamp of approval means the world.) Consider the new wintry Thirsties prints, Scarlet and Winter Woods for a festive, fun twist. An Adorable Wet Bag Gift Bag - No matter what you give, skip the wrapping paper or gift bag in favor of a wet bag - it'll reduce waste AND give the parents a great additional gift. And, by the way, remember that wet bags aren't just for storing dirty dipes! We use ours about a hundred different ways. Diaper Service - If you've got the funds and are in an area that offers it, try looking up a reliable diaper service to take the chore away for a month or so. My uncle did this for my mother after each of her four children and it was a lifesaver, she recalls. What's more thoughtful than that? (Just make sure that they adhere to the warranty of the family's favorite diapers to avoid voiding the warranty.) A Thoughtful Gift - Odds are you know why the family cloth diapers. We all have a different reason (we appreciate the cost effectiveness but also the eco-friendliness), so take this into account when purchasing any gifts. If the family values practicality, don't go overboard with a million toys and outfits - try the "one toy, one book, one outfit" approach (or just one of the above if you're not as close; I only do this for family, usually). If the family is eco-conscious, make sure the toy is either made of recycled materials, has strict EPA standards, and/or is made from eco-friendly materials. In general, use your cloth diapering knowledge to help inform your gift selection.


What was the most thoughtful gift you ever received? We'd love to hear some additional ideas in the comments!
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