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Halloween--Just for Kids or Fun For All?

Kate the Black Cat, Cooper the crabby Robin and Lauren a Monster High Doll
  Halloween is a fun time of year for most families with small children. It's also a little stressful--finding the perfect costumes, the over-consumption of junk food, keeping track of your Trick or Treaters on dark streets. Thankfully Cooper wants to be a ghost this year...a pillow case with some eyes cut out. That's his idea of a costume. Three cheers for low maintenance! My girls on the other hand, have always been more particular about their costumes. This year we will have a ghost, a black cat and a witch. Unfortunately, Kate the black cat, now wants to be Elsa because her best friend is being Elsa. Kate was also a black cat last year (see picture) but since the Elsa costumes are all sold out she's decided she'll just be a cat again (unless she changes her mind at the last minute and goes as something else entirely). Until I had children of my own, I wasn't a huge fan of Halloween as an adult. Once I outgrew my own childhood desire to dress up, I went through an Anti-Dressing Up for Halloween Stage that lasted until Lauren was a toddler. Suddenly Halloween was fun again because I had an appreciative audience--my child who got a kick out of seeing mommy and daddy look silly. This year I'll don a hot pink wig and some funny glasses and call myself Crazy Mommy. My husband's favorite go-to costume is an alarmingly realistic mullet wig that looks alarmingly natural on him and some fake teeth. One thing that I love about living in the suburbs, that I didn't have growing up in rural Vermont, is that we live in an actual neighborhood. It makes for good old-fashioned-family-friendly Trick or Treating. We know at least a dozen of the families around our block and it feels really safe  to trail behind our little creatures, princesses and ghouls, just enough to let them feel like they are on their own. It also means that we get lots of trick or treaters, another thing we never had growing up--both little kids with their parents and partially-costumed teenagers. We give out candy happily to anyone who knocks. Who are we to spoil the fun of someone who just wants to celebrate? Our kids will be that age before I know it. Even when they are gangly, braces-wearing zombies with a little acne on their chins, they'll always be my little ghost, my black cat and my little witch which is why I really enjoyed this blog in the Huffington Post: What You Need To Know About Six Foot Trick or Treaters. What are you kids dressing up as for Halloween? And if you have a diaper wearing infant or toddler, under what costume will you stuff their fluff?            
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  • we dont get all into halloween but i can imagine its really fun for families. I love seeing pictures of when the entire family dresses up

    Sarah Hayes on
  • When little one is old enough to start understanding what Halloween is then I think our family will be more active in celebrating the holiday.

    Mesha C. on
  • My 17mo dressed as a dalmation

    Debbie W on
  • Halloween was fun as a kid, meh as an adult, but now w kids it’s so much fun!! We’ve done family costumes the last 2 yrs.

    Moni on
  • My 20 month old went trick or treating to her grandparents in her Halloween pajamas. So fun!

    Sara P. on

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