Unless you're a cloth diapering expert (and I know many of you are!), we all have an area of the cloth diapering world that we haven't tried out. Maybe you only use cloth part of the time. Maybe you're just in the "research stage" of cloth diapering and are too scared to give it a go. Maybe you're only using disposable wipes.
Well, why not use Leap Day as an excuse to give something a try? You may find out that cloth is easier to get the hang of than you expected. You may find your *favorite* new style of cloth. Or, you may fall in love with Thirsties' new organic cloth wipes AND get some free Booty Luster in the process. (Seriously, it's the perfect time to give them a go.) Since the resell value of CDs is awesome, you literally have nothing to lose! Personally, I've been doing well with our cloth journey, using it from sun up to sun down. However, for some reason, we haven't taken the "leap" into nighttime cloth diapering yet. It's kind of funny because I've noticed that our 3 1/2-month-old daughter isn't a heavy wetter at night. So, what am I so afraid of, anyway? Plus, it's totally time to try out those new organic wipes. I also have finally decided on using more AIOs, so I'll finally be purchasing some more of OS AIOs. While I've been juggling daily laundering just fine with my current, I'd rather have the option of not HAVING to do the laundry every day. ;-) Or even every other.
What new cloth diapering technique or product would you try out for Leap Day? How else will you "celebrate" the day?
Megan McCoy Dellecese writes about her life as a mom and her family's attempts at living a realistically green life at her blog, Meg Acts Out. She has a soft spot for DIY blogs, Katharine Hepburn movies, the Monkees, and community theatre. Megan lives in upstate New York with her husband, two quirky kiddos, and three rescued cats.