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Our Favorite Places to Find Cloth Diapering Support

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It’s easy to assume that cloth diapering is a lonely game. While it may be picking up steam in the #makeclothmainstream realm, a lot of us are often the only ones in our families treading the modern cloth diaper path. Maybe you live in a rural area with few other cloth diapering parents around, or simply don’t seem to know anyone else who has made the same choice. Of course, it may not be like this for everyone. While my immediate family generally doesn’t cloth diaper (well, my mom did, but that was a different time ;-)), I have come to realize that I have at least half a dozen friends and acquaintances whom I can call on if I have any questions or concerns regarding my stash or its use. This alone makes me proud that we really ARE making cloth mainstream - one family at a time! But, what about when you have a question and you really don’t have any CD friends or family to turn to? It’s easy to fall down a rabbit hole of craziness (y’know, like the sites who say that diaper stripping will solve all your problems 99% of the time) on the Internet. For those of you who feel like you’re overwhelmed or even like a bit of a misfit for your baby’s fluffy bum, we’re sharing our favorite support systems to help lift you up or answer your Thirsties product questions. Actually, they’re for everyone, support system in place or not. Let us know if you’ve used any of these resources! The Thirsties website - This one may go without saying since you're, well, HERE, but there's a good chance you've found a direct link straight to the Thirsties blog. If you click around, you'll learn more about the company we all love, tons of general information in the Customer Center area (I mean TONS), and some awesome posts in the blog’s archive. Oh, and of course you’ll find the awesome products that are the fabric (no pun intended) of the Thirsties family, including additional baby products beyond diapers. Let’s just say it’s a fun place to lose yourself for a little while. Thirsties on Pinterest - Pinterest isn't just a great place to find recipes for homemade pumpkin spice lattes or fun craft projects (although, let’s just admit that those are the main reasons we click the app). Follow Thirsties Baby and you'll not only see some incredibly helpful cloth diapering pins, but great green family ideas, baby shower and prep tips, and way more. Come join in the fun! Thirsties Groupies - Like minded folks sharing a love of Thirsties dipes in a very positive online setting. (Wait. Do those exist anymore? Yep! They actually do. Even on Facebook.) A quick perusal shows everything from laundering tips to stash shots to sale shout-outs to adorable baby pics with fluff on the bum get the idea. Anything and everything Thirsties dipes (and some cloth chat, in general). Reader, meet your tribe. Thirsties Retailers - The folks who sell Thirsties products out in the trenches everyday are truly some of the kindest, most helpful individuals around. So, if you're lucky enough to have one of our AWESOME retailers in your neck of the woods, check ‘em out! They'd be happy to answer any questions, especially for those times when you just want to speak to someone IN REAL LIFE! You know how that is, right?

While I normally purchase my Thirsties online, I tried out the Retail Locator and officially added a couple of places to my family’s next day trip. They’re closer than I thought! Hopefully the same can be said in your neck of the woods.

Have you discovered any of these gems yet?


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