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School of Cloth - No-Pressure Cloth Diaper Advocacy

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We thought we’d take part in one of this month’s School of Cloth link-up posts (sorry we missed the rest of the month, but we’re ecstatic about this week’s topic!). Sponsored by the Real Diaper Association, the School of Cloth is an annual, month-long event full of cloth diapering classes provided by participating Real Diaper Circles, Real Diaper Association businesses, and other CD experts with knowledge to share. Attendees of classes may receive certificates in cloth diapering subjects and will be entered into a drawing for chance to win a cloth diapering package and may even select a qualifying cloth diaper charity (like our favorite, Giving Diapers Giving Hope).

In other words, it’s all about spreading knowledge - and good charity - as far as possible. What’s not awesome about that? This week’s topic is about cloth diaper advocacy, a subject that’s near and dear to our hearts here at Thirsties. As a matter of fact, our very own cloth-diaper-slash-social-media guru, Laura, recently held a Facebook Live chat about this very topic. Be sure to check it out and mark your calendar for her future live video check-ins (which take place every other Friday at 12:30 Mountain Time); they’re always chock full of great information, support, and maybe even a giveaway. *wink, wink*
Cloth diaper advocacy is many things to many people. Sometimes it's just being open to supporting others in the cloth diapering community as the situation arises. For others, it's going above and beyond to inform people outside the cloth diapering community about the benefits of using cloth. For still more, it can be putting together and implementing an action plan to educate the broader public and even affecting change in policies to create a more open-to-cloth environment for all. And all of these things are great. There’s not one right (or wrong) way to get the word out about the benefits of cloth. So, we’re sharing just a handful of our favorites. If you have any other ways that you get the word out, we’d all LOVE to hear in the comments. - Fly your cloth diapering flag proudly. Be open about your cloth use! If someone spies your choice in diapers while you’re changing your little one in a Target bathroom, strike up a conversation. Not only will you be spreading awareness in a non-pushy manner (which always gets you further than being preachy), but you may end up with a good friend out of the chat. - Shower a new mom with awareness. Consider giving the gift of an adorable cloth diaper, some cloth wipes, and Booty Luster. New mothers love hearing about favorite products (at least, I did) and what truly works for other parents. Any time I’ve said, “Oh, they’re my favorite!” I get a very appreciative thank you and, usually, a follow-up conversation. - Be open about your love of cloth on social media. Be proud about your favorite brands and befriend other cloth-lovin’ parents. Beyond that, though, don’t keep your passion only for the cloth groups online; share and share alike. I can’t say how many moms have private messaged me after seeing pictures of our kids in their cute fluff or just generally being aware of my love of cloth in order to ask questions and see how to get started, themselves. - Don’t just sit on your awareness; spread the word. When there are awesome cloth diapering events - like the Great Cloth Diaper Change, Diaper Need Awareness Week, or the Make Cloth Mainstream Challenge - tell others. Share on social media, chat with “real life” friends about it, or if you have a blog/YouTube channel/podcast, include it in your topics. Don’t just feel good about the involvement you’re making; be proactive in sharing it. #schoolofcloth #realdiapers Be sure to check out the other amazing ideas through the other School of Cloth link-up participants below, and don’t forget to share your own favorite advocacy secret in our comments below!   Join us for the Real Diaper Association's 2016 School of Cloth! Cloth diaper education for the masses! Week 3 (October 15): How to Advocate for Cloth Check out the other awesome blogs linking up for more information! If you are a blogger with a post you'd like to link up, please check out THIS document for further directions. Thank you for joining School of Cloth!
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