Have you ever had this scenario happen? You're with a group of parents, doing the small talk thing because you've just
recently met each other and aren't quite comfortable baring your heart and soul, when suddenly you find out by chance, that the woman who has been sitting kitty-corner to you the entire meal also uses cloth diapers on her baby. Your face perks up and you think to yourself, "Ah! A fellow cloth diaper user!" The conversation quickly changes from small talk to fluff talk and the two of you are quickly forming a close relationship...all based on your use of cloth diapers on your children. See, that's what I love about the cloth diaper community: You could seemingly have absolutely nothing in common with another parent you're becoming acquainted with but the second both of you discover that you use cloth diapers there's a bond. It doesn't matter if the mother next to you uses formula or if the woman in front of you at the grocery store happens to co-sleep with all of her children in a family bed. You two have a common thread that ties you together: cloth diapers. The bond of cloth diaper use is a strong one and I've been trying for a few months to figure out what it is about these adorable fluffy butts that can make even the most diametrically opposed individuals gush and rave about their favorite kind of cloth diaper. Perhaps it's because using cloth diapers isn't the norm any more? Or maybe it's because there is a bit of a learning curve to taking care of your diapers that every caretaker experiences? Whatever the case, the cloth diaper community is one parenting community that's hard to beat. I have seen countless mothers on my own blog's Facebook page offer up advice to complete strangers simply because they were having a problem with their pocket diapers leaking at night. I have actually become better friends with a few women because we all use cloth diapers on our children.
I really believe that for me, part of the reason why I have successfully cloth diapered two children (with number three on the way) is because of the amazing community of cloth diapering parents. They are supportive and all want to see another cloth diaper using parent succeed. In today's competitive world, that my friends, is a rare and wonderful find. So cherish your cloth diaper using friends, near and far, and remind them how much you appreciate their acceptance and help!
Parent Tested, Baby Approved
It’s really very true – women I have known for years have just recently become good friends of mine – cloth diapers was the catalyst!
I completely agree! I’ve met so many lovely ladies (and a few gents) through diaperswappers.
I would never have looked into cloth diapering if I didn’t have friends who did it. Before that I thought cloth diapering was a thing of the past and you couldn’t even buy them anymore. Then when we moved here I met around five people who all used BumGenius, and that led me to do some research and I discovered that prefolds are alive and well and probably were the best option for us. I think I’m the only one of my friends right now who is using cloth diapers, but occasionally people notice and ask me questions, so it’s fun to be the one who people come to with questions.
i love the sense of learning and sharing tips that goes along with cloth diapering
SO true! While I was pregnant I was looking in to cloth diapering and it all seemed so overwhelming. I was a little afraid to invest all the money into it if it was going to be too hard. I was talking about it with a friend at work and she told me that her husband’s cousin used cloth diapers and she was sure she would love to answer any of my questions and give me advice etc. She passed along my name to this woman in another state who I had never met and a few days later I received a message on facebook from her introducing herself and offering to help. Talking with her made a huge difference in my confidence level and completely erased almost all of the doubts I had been having!
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