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#ThirstiesRealLife June 2016

Can you believe how time flies! June 2016 was a month packed with summer fun and FIVE #ThirstiesThursdays! This month I thought it'd be fun to give you a peek into the world of Thirsties on Instagram. Here are June's #ThirstiesRealLife Photo Contest finalists and the winner. They are a mix of simply adorable #ThirstiesBaby pics, precious moments between babies and their daddies (after all Father's Day is  in June), and summer fun. Enjoy and be sure to capture and share your #ThirstiesRealLife moments in July! Week 1 #thirstiesreallife Week 2
Week 3 thirstiesreallife june Week 4 #ThirstiesRealLife Week 5
Now for the hard part, choosing a winner. This month's winner will receive a Thirsties New Natural Fitted in his or her choice of One Size or Newborn and one of our popular Duo Wraps in his or her choice of size, closure, and print/color. Drumroll please.... Thirsties fitted The winner is @leokerry and her adorable water-loving Crosby! Congratulations! Thank you EVERYONE for sharing your #ThirstiesRealLife moments and for choosing Thirsties Cloth Diapers!
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