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☀️ Sustainable Summer with Thirsties Baby ☀️

🎼 Summertime, and the livin's easy 🎼
Here at Thirsties Baby, we are so excited that the weather is warmer, and we can splish splash our way, *sustainably*, through these summer months!
On our Facebook page, chat group and on Instagram, we have been discussing everything summer, and ways to not only save "green", but make your adventures green as well.
Whether you are at the beach, the pool, a splashpad or a kiddie pool this summer, swim diapers are a must. Hold off on that pack of disposable swim diapers, and invest in 2-3 reusable ones instead

For a *deep dive* into swim diapers, check our Sarafina's video HERE
You can also add a Wet/Dry bag into your swim stuff to bring home wet bathing suits and swim diapers, instead of plastic bags or ziplocks.
Families who cloth diaper are saving so much plastic and chemical waste from the landfills, it can be easy to expand those practices into other areas as well. Between bags, swim diapers, and cloth diapers, let's make this summer a more sustainable one for all of our children.
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