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A mad crazy case of writer's block plus an announcement!

I'll be honest with you all...I have an extreme case of writer's block. It may not seem like a normal thing to admit when you have writer's block but I do have a good reason for it. You see, a lot of what I write is inspired by my own personal life and right now I'm harboring a secret. It's the only thing that's on my mind now and always but I haven't told you all for some reason. I think it's because there's a part of me that feels like it's not culturally acceptable to talk about it for a little while. It really has nothing to do with my feelings at all. I am basically an open book; it's just how I'm wired. Keeping something a secret just isn't who I am. Here it goes...I'm pregnant with baby #3! I'm happy about it through all of the nauseous long days and exhaustion. There is nothing that I like about the first trimester. Here are a few things that I've started doing to help ward off those pesky first trimester side effects: Sea Bands: Had I known during my last two pregnancies about these wristlet beauties I think I may have had a better experience. The way it works is by applying pressure to the Nei Kuan acupressure point. This pressure point relieves nausea naturally. Is it a cure all? No. I've noticed that it does help. Naps, when I can get them...: This one is particularly hard on weekdays but Brennan, my almost five-year-old son, understands what's going on. I mean he understands as much as a five-year-old can. He'll sit next to me while I rest and he reads a book. Learning to let go of my expectations: My laundry's sitting in the washer right now, it takes me days to fold and put it away and you know what? That's okay. I'm not Super Woman but I am growing a human being which means I need to rest! Exercise: there are more days than not that I don't want to do this one but I've found that when I get through the mental hurdle of actually doing it I feel great afterwards. What about you? Do you have any tips for me? Some big news to share
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