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Cloth Diapering Through Tummy Troubles

Today, we’re featuring another great topic discussed during a recent #ThirstiesLive with Laura Ankrum. 

‘Tis the season to spread nasty germs around and, unfortunately, our little munchkins aren’t immune to those bugs. Toss in the symptoms that accompany teething or a bad reaction to food and it's pretty likely that your babe will eventually experience some kind of issue - and your cloth will bare the brunt of it! 

Here we'll give you all you need to know the for when tummy troubles hit.

image of sick baby with hand on head and text about diapers

Be Prepared; Stock Up on Diapers - In case of emergency, be sure you’re ready to go through A LOT of diapers. There's not a set number here and you can use any style that works for your family (some might want to try a cheaper option like prefolds or flats with covers while others may want to keep things as easy as possible with AIO's). Also along the lines of preparation, know that while some things have to simply run their course, be sure to keep in touch with your kiddo’s doctor because littles can get dehydrated quickly.

Bum’s the WordTummy troubles often means acidic bowel movements, which may mean rashes or extra sensitivity for baby’s bum. In this case, be sure to lather on that Booty Love super thick. If your doctor recommends a higher-octane diaper cream, be sure to use a liner with your cloth.

Cleaning the Diapers - Even if you’re not using extra strength cream, liners will help a lot with clean up. You'll also want to spray your diapers right away because acidic bowel movements can damage diapers’ lamination. After going through a bout of diarrhea, you may want to add the recommended amount of oxygen bleach in with your detergent.

If you’re dealing with something viral (especially norovirus) you’ll need to use chlorine bleach. Instead of giving overall, general instructions for using bleach, we recommend that folks check in with for instructions specific to your washing machine and water type because bleach can wreck your diapers.

When tummy troubles hit, it can be a stressful time. Seeing your little one sick can cause lots of worry on your part and sleepless nights all around. Hopefully these instructions can provide some alleviation for just one of these concerns when your little one gets sick.

Let us know if you've had the misfortune to deal with a child with tummy troubles while cloth diapering. Did you continue cloth diapering or did you go the disposable route? If you used cloth, we'd love to hear how you made it through. Any additional tips to help fellow CD parents are always welcome! And, as always, don’t forget that Thirsties goes live every Friday at 1:00pm MST on Facebook and 1:45 MST on Instagram! The topics vary and are always helpful and interesting, and you’ll love meeting super fun Laura.
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