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Cloth Diapers: The Gift of Thrift

I recently did a blog post about cloth diapers and daycare. I started wondering because a woman told me that she had given her
image of baby with present
grand-baby some cloth diapers as a gift but that her son and daughter-in-law didn't use them because their daycare didn't allow them. In addition to making me wonder if Thirsties parents use cloth at daycare, it made me wonder if you would ever give someone cloth diapers as a gift? Or have you ever asked for them or registered for them? They seem like a great baby registry item to me now, but when I was pregnant, it never occurred to me. I think a couple of cloth diapers--some pockets or two Duo Fab Fitteds with a cover would make a great gift but what if "the friend" to whom they were given, decided not to use them? Is it pushy to give someone cloth diapers who hasn't expressed interest in trying them or is it a great way to introduce them to someone who might be interested but doesn't know enough about how easy they are to use, how much more fun the colors and pattens are than disposable and how cost efficient they can be? I don't think that seeing a picture on the computer of the Duo Fab Fitteds does them justice. Sure, the colors are beautiful and the patterns are stylish and fun but until you feel them and really rub the buttery soft fabric against your skin, you can't appreciate how much better they would feel against your baby's skin than cloth. That's one reason I think a cloth diaper or two can make a nice gift. Or for a less expensive idea, a bottle of Thirsties Booty Luster and a package of cloth wipes can make a nice (not to mention green) baby shower gift. And the wipes are made from the same material as the Duo Fab Fitteds, which I always make sure to tell my friends to whom I give the wipes. They usually can't believe that a diaper could be made from such soft fabric. Whether or not it's in good form to give someone cloth diapers who hasn't asked, there is one person to whom I am glad to have given the gift of cloth: Cooper. I feel like a good mommy every time I put one of his Thirsties on him instead of a disposable and every load of diaper laundry that I do is worth it to me. What about you?  Have you ever given or received cloth diapers as a gift? Did you put them on your baby registry or are you considering registering for them in the future?
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  • We registered for cloth, but only one person gave us any! (She’s now pregnant and planning on using cloth too.) Most of our family was skeptical I’d stick with it. My mom has made me a bunch of inserts though, so she’s on board. I don’t think I’d give cloth unless I knew the couple was open to the idea – I don’t want them to resent my gift/me if they’re dead set against cloth!

    stacey on
  • I asked for cloth for my shower and from family, but no one got me any. My MIL continues to insist that they’re just difficult to deal with (ironically, she cloth diapered back in the early 70’s but tells me that pins were easier than velcro or snaps…what?!). She says she’s finally gotten used to using sposies on my nephews and niece, but that my cloth just aren’t the same at all. I don’t get it.

    I taught my daycare sitter how to use cloth on my son and was happy to have converted her a few weeks later for her youngest daughter. She’s now a cloth convert, once she realized how easy (and affordable) it was! I’m sure she’ll appreciate it even more now since the sposies are going to be scarce and expensive!

    Michele Comisiak on
  • I think it is awesome that people register for cloth. We registered a few cloth items, but the only one who bought us any was my mil. She actually bought the majority of our initial stash. I have actually bought cloth for a few friends who registered for cloth. Love it

    Beth Rees on
  • I have had a few friends who were given a baby shower specifically to help them build up a stash. People could bring other things too, but the person throwing the shower specifically said that it would be helpful to either donate money towards cloth diapers or buy some at a local baby boutique to give as gifts. If someone is throwing a baby shower for you, you could ask them to mention that you are planning to use cloth diapers. I didn’t mention it for my second baby, and I ended up getting four packs of newborn disposable diapers. I hate wasting money, but my thirsties covers did such a good job of holding newborn poop in that I decided to pass the disposable ones on to a friend. I would give a friend cloth diapers if I knew she wanted them, but I would try to get the kind that she was planning to use anyway. For friends who aren’t planning on cloth diapering, I get bigger disposable diapers, like size 2 or 3.

    Marcelaine on
  • I think I might be willing to give them as long as I gave them something else really nice that they had asked for. Otherwise I’d feel like I was using their good news as an excuse to be a pushy evangelist. Sadly, I registered for CD and a diaper sprayer and no one wanted to touch those gifts with a ten foot pole!

    Melanie on

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