Sugar Aunt’s Flower Scissor Skills Craft Great for getting little hands used to handling safety scissors, this super simple craft comes out super cute. Just use cupcake holders and any colored paper you have on hand.
Little Family Fun’s Nature Names Craft
Do you have a little collector in your family like I do? Every walk turns into a "put this in your pocket" adventure. Now we have a use for all of nature's odds 'n ends!
Mum in the Madhouse’s Celery Flower Prints
All I can say is: How. Cool. Is. This?!
One Creative Mommy’s Mini-Kites
Has anyone else had a hard time finding a good, old-fashioned kite not emblazoned with annoying cartoon characters? This is the perfect solution. Plus, easier for small hands to handle and figure out. (Just watch out for little ones with string...but you already knew that.)
Go Science Girls’ Color Changing Flowers
Science meets art meets nature!
Young Wife’s Guide to Getting Outside!
These are some awesome tips, simple to expert level, for getting the whole family into the great outdoors.
Buggy and Buddy’s TP Roll Binoculars for Cloud Watching
Sure, you COULD observe clouds with your regular ol' eyes. But why would you want to if you could make these cool binoculars (which are a great example of repurposing!)?
Bitz & Giggles’ Nature Hunt Bingo
Turn a normal walk into a super fun game. This is also great for getting the WHOLE family outside.
What do you think? Would you try out any of these activities? What's YOUR family's favorite springtime activity?
I'm pretty excited to try out the Bingo, myself. It'd give some fun structure and focus to our nature walks!