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How do I get the stains out of my diapers and covers?

Staining and cloth diapers unfortunately go hand in hand. We here at Thirsties always try to stay up to date on laundering issues, and suggest the most eco-friendly and safe methods for cleaning diapers and covers. Here are a few natural solutions for lifting stains...
  • Prewash on cold. With every load of laundry, we suggest a prewash with cold water.  DO NOT dry in the dryer as heat will set staining.
  • Although soaking can aid in stain removal, we do not recommend soaking anything on a regular basis for longer than 10 minutes. This is due to the fact that it can eat away at lamination, and lock in odor.
  • Use a cloth safe detergent to help clean your diapers. You can see a complete list here: Care and Use
  • Dry in the sun. This works 99% of the time. The UV rays of the sun fade the stains away. We recommend drying in the sun as a normal routine as it helps to deodorize, lift stains, and disinfect naturally!
  • 50/50 solution of lemon juice/water: This is great for the fold-over elastic on Thirsties products. Spritz on the stain and put in the sun for a few hours. Add the item to a normal wash with your other covers and/or diapers. Do not dry in the dryer if the stain is still visible. Repeat if necessary.
  • Oxygen bleach: Use the recommended amount in the wash load. This will brighten and help to lift stains.
*Stain removal products with Enzymes also work for removing protein stains, but can attack baby’s skin. If you do decide to use this kind of product, please make sure the covers are rinsed thoroughly before using. The above tips and suggestions are recommendations for Thirsties products. If you are using other cloth diapering brands please consult with the manufacturer for specific care instructions.
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