With 6000 - 8000 diaper changes from birth to potty training, disposable diapers can cost anywhere between $2000 - $3000. The cost savings of cloth diapers depend on how long your baby is in diapers, what diapering system you are using, and how many children you will use the diapers for. If you use your diapering products for more than one child, your savings multiply! To cloth diaper, you will need: Diapers: Newborn: 20-24 diapers 6-12 months: 14-18 diapers 12-24 months: 12-16 diapers Potty Learning: 4-8 diapers Covers: Newborn-9 months: 1 wrap for every 3 diapers 9 months-18 months: 1 wrap for every 4 diapers 18 months to potty training: 1 wrap for every 5 diapers
Thirsties Duo Diaper: Use from birth-to-potty and save $617 + over the cheapest disposables! Waterproof pocket diaper. (No cover needed.) This diaper offers: ease of use, convenience, adjustability, trimness, absorbency. You will need between 20-24 size 1 and 14-18 size 2 if washing every other day. Cost at $18.50 MSRP = $629 - $749 + Thirsties detergent + washing costs ($633.06) = $1262.06 - $1382.06
Thirsties Duo Wrap: Pair with Thirsties Duo Hemp Prefolds and save $907.19 + over the cheapest disposables! Waterproof, adjustable cover and absorbent prefold diaper. This combo offers: Affordability, durability, absorbency, softness, trimness, and natural fibers. Prefolds can be trifolded for ease of use. You only need 1 Duo Wrap for every 3-5 prefolds. Cost at $12.75 & $7.00 MSRP = $365.50- $459.75 + Thirsties detergent + washing costs ($633.06) = $912.80 - $1007.05
Pair with Thirsties Stay-Dry Duo Inserts and save $907.19 + over disposables. Waterproof, adjustable cover and absorbent insert. This combo offers: affordability, ease of use, trimness, and absorbency. Stay-Dry Duo Inserts lay right into the cover. You only need 1 Duo Wrap for every 3-4 Stay-Dry Inserts. Cost at $12.75 & $7.00 MSRP = $365.50- $459.75 + Thirsties detergent + washing costs ($633.06) = $998.56 - $1092.81 Pair with Thirsties Duo Fab Fitted Diapers and save $487.18 + over the cheapest disposables. Waterproof, adjustable cover and absorbent, adjustable fitted diaper. This combo offers: adjustability, pliability, absorbency, softness, and excellent leak protection. Aplix or snap closure. You only need 1 Duo Wrap for every 3-4 fitted diapers. Cost at $12.75 & $17.00 MSRP = $705.50- $879.75 + Thirsties detergent + washing costs ($633.06) = $1338.56 - $1512.81
Thirsties Diaper Cover: Pair with Thirsties Duo Fab Fitted Diapers & save $343.44 + over disposables! Waterproof, sized cover and an absorbent, adjustable fitted diaper. This combo offers: Softness, absorbency, adjustability, and excellent leak protection. Duo Fab Fitted Diapers offer Aplix or snap closures. You only need 1 cover for every 3-5 fitted diapers. Cost at $11.50 & $17.00 MSRP = $750.50 - $932.50+ Thirsties detergent + washing costs ($633.06) = $1383.53 - $1565.56
Pair with Thirsties Duo Hemp Prefolds and save $854.44 + over disposables! Waterproof cover with absorbent prefold diaper. This combo offers: Absorbency, softness, pliability, trimness, and leak protection. Prefolds used under sized covers will need to be fastened with pins or a Snappi. You only need 1 cover for every 3-4 prefolds. Cost at $11.50 & $7.00 MSRP = $410.50 - $512.50 + Thirsties detergent + washing costs ($633.06) = $1043.56 - $1145.56
Thirsties Fab Wipes: Switching to washable baby wipes is clearly a simple solution to put an additional $175 + back in your pocket! Washable baby wipes. Soft and easy to use. You can use plain water to wet the wipes or a wipes solution such as our Thirsties Booty Luster. Cost at $10.75 MSRP = $64.50 Wipes are washed with diapers so no extra detergent/washing costs are added. Disposable wipes cost about .04 a diaper change. At 6000-8000 changes, that comes out to $240 - $320 for disposable wipes. I am sure you can find a use for that extra money in your pocket, and Thirsties is happy to help you do so! You can find all of our products on our website: http://www.thirstiesbaby.com/products/ Cost comparison is determined by retail price of Thirsties products and estimated cost per load for washing diapers. Thirsties detergents are estimated at .49 a load. 2.5 years of diapering x 182.5 loads a year = 456.25 wash loads x .49 a load = $223.56 *Energy cost, water cost, and cost of washer/upkeep is estimated at about .90 a load. 182 wash loads a year x 2.5 years = 455 wash loads x .90 a load = $409.50 Total cost for detergent, energy, water, and washer cost/upkeep is estimated at $633.06. Product price and information sourced from www.thirstiesbaby.com Energy and water cost information sourced from http://www.csgnetwork.com/laundrycostcalc.html

This is a great comparison tool. Thanks for sharing!
I used Pampers & Huggies with my first two children. If we have a 3rd, I’d like to try cloth diapers. So nervous though…I hope I can hang! And these are so cute!!!
Just starting out CDing, and Thirsties were reccommended, can’t wait to check them out!
Don’t forget the addictive factor though. I have way more covers than I really need because they’re just so pretty… . I will control myself. I will control myself. I will control myself. … :)
I’m so excited to start getting all my cloth diapers! I love knowing i’m going to be saving so much money with cloth diapers and they are so much better for he environment!!
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