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How to Disinfect Your Diapering Products

How to Disinfect Your Diapering Products
image of cleaners
 Simply washing your diapering items on hot with a good detergent will routinely help to wash away bacteria. If you are able to put your laundry in the sun to dry, that will also help to kill most germs. However, if your baby has an infection in the diaper area, your diapering items (diapers, covers, wipes, inserts, and liners) will need to be disinfected each time you use them until about a week after the symptoms disappear. Below are some remedies that may help. Please keep in mind that we are not scientists or doctors, and cannot diagnose or offer treatment for any medical condition. This is simply information that has been researched and compiled from various sources. Also, please be sure to check with manufacturer's washing instructions and warranty information before starting any disinfecting routine.   Remedy chart for disinfecting cloth diapers  
Remedy Grapefruit Seed Extract  Distilled white vinegar Tea Tree Oil Oxygen Bleach Powder Hydrogen Peroxide Hot Water High heat in the dryer Sunshine
20 drops in final rinse cycle 1 cup in final rinse cycle 20 drops in wash water. At least 5% cineole 35-40% Terpenin-4-ol Use hot water. Soak for 2 hrs 1 cup in final rinse. 3% Solution Killed after 25 minutes at water temps of 25 minutes Hang until dry
Bacteria: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 140+ Yes Yes
E Coli Yes Yes 160+ Yes Yes
Influenza Yes Yes 167+ Yes Yes
Mold Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mold Spores Yes Yes Yes No
Norovirus Yes Yes Yes Yes
Rotovirus Yes Yes No Yes
Salmonella Yes Yes Yes
Staph infections: Yes Yes Yes 160+ Yes Yes
Strep Yes
Urinary Tract Infections Yes Yes Yes
Yeast Yes Yes Yes Yes 122+ Yes No
Yeast Spores Yes No No No No No
EPA registered? No No No No Yes No No No
Colorfast Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
Cautions Do not pour directly on laundry. Do not pour directly on laundry. Do only as needed. Do not pour directly on laundry. Do not pour directly on laundry. Use with caution - we do not recommend temps over 140 F for any items with Aplix, elastic, laminates, or snaps, as it will void your warranty. Do only as needed, as high heat will wear out the diapers more quickly. Bring in when dry. Covers should not be dried in direct sunlight.
The most common disinfectant used in laundry is Chlorine Bleach, which kills 99.9% of germs. We have not included Chlorine Bleach on our chart as it can be harsh on the materials used in our diapers. Sources include:   As always, let me know if you have any questions!   ~Sonya   ~Written by Sonya Choron 5/17/13    
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  • Very useful chart! This would have been useful for me to have when a few of my flats got mold on them :( Thanks for the info!

    Vanessa V. on
  • Thanks for this!

    Jessica on

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