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#ThirstiesReaLife Photo Contest January 2017

We can't think of a better way to start 2017 than with a celebration of cloth diapers and adorable little ones. Well friends, that is exactly what the #ThirstiesRealLife Photo Contest is ALL about! The early years of our children's lives are here and gone before we know it. Thankfully, as photographer Roger Kingston says, "A camera is a save button for the mindseye."
text about cameras with stars
In that spirit, every month Thirsties has a fun photo contest in which folks capture and share their #ThirstiesRealLife moments on Instagram or in the Thirsties Groupies on Facebook. On Thursday every week we select one or two feature photos, which become finalists in the photo contest. At the end of the month fans vote for their favorite photos. Here are the finalists for January 2017.
images of babies
This month we had a record number of votes, over 1,000! Now that's what we call working to #makeclothmainstream! We appreciate all our fans for making Thirsties a part of this precious time in their children's lives and sharing their cloth diapering journies with our community on social media.  
image of toddler girl
Congratulations to baby #7 and her mommy, Jeanellis, on being January's winning photo! The prize this month is winner's choice of diaper in our adorable limited edition print, Love Notes. We look forward to seeing everyone's #ThirstiesRealLife February photos and celebrating #ClothCommunity Day with everyone tomorrow, February 2nd. Happy cloth diapering all and thank you for choosing Thirsties!
image of Thirsties Love Notes
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