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Mama Monday: Getting To Know You....

IntroductionBert. ThirstiesBlog.33113
Hi! Allow me to introduce myself; my name is Elizabeth Anderson. You can call me "Bert" though; it's a nickname that stuck since the age of ten. I live in the frozen tundra that is Minnesota, at least that's what it feels like since Spring is nowhere to be seen at the moment. Then again, I know everyone else is feeling that way too wherever they may live. I'm married to my college sweetheart, Ben, who is my other half. What I mean is that we complete each other in areas where the other is weak. Recently, I took up running as a way of getting back in shape. Actually, I participated in a 90 day fitness challenge through a local gym here in the Twin Cities. I was about 70 lbs overweight with a very sedentary lifestyle. I changed my eating habits and started enjoying working out. You'll probably hear about this part of my life since it's so important to me both as a woman and as a mother. I have one fur baby, a beagle named Chula, who is eight years old. And the most significant job that I will ever have is being a mama to two wonderful littles, a four year old boy named Brennan and a 21 month old girl named Kendall. Both of my kiddos were cloth diapered and although I'd love to tell you that I was the genius behind that decision I, sadly, cannot take the credit for that one. After a friend decided to cloth diaper her first child, Ben started investigate the benefits and he was hooked. I really had no choice since we wanted to save money while I stayed at home. What has amazed me about cloth diapering are the other cloth diapering parents that I've met over the last four years. The cloth diaper community is unique; it's friendly, helpful and very kind. While there's a vast array of crunchiness from staunchly crunchy to semi-crunchy I have found most everyone to be welcoming of all viewpoints. My little sister is pregnant with her first and she is also going to use cloth diapers. She's commented to me on the same thing: the cloth diapering community is so helpful and nice. I'm thrilled to be writing "Written by Mama Monday" for Thirsties. I am very excited to be blogging for them because I think it's Thirsties has the best cover ever!!!!!!


You can read more about me and my adventures on my personal blog, FirstTimeMom, where my motto is no matter how many kids you have you'll always be a first time mom. After all, there's a first time for everything! So tell me a little bit about yourself and really, I'm pleased to meet you!

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  • Also a running mama from Minnesota! Looking for a good jogger- any recommendations? Think we’ll get the 6-10 inches forecasted???

    Naomi on
  • Nice to meet you! Beagles are the cutest!

    Star Fao on
  • Welcome aboard! I’m a first time WOHM to a sweet roller-coaster 18 month old who loves his Fab Fitteds for bedtime :-)

    Melissa on
  • Hi there, nice to meet you! I am new to Thirsties, but I must say I absolutely love them! We have 2 of the Thirsties Duo Diaper, and they are are go-to nighttime diaper. They are the only diaper that we use at night and the only one to contain our heavy wetting 5 month old. I met someone from your company at the retail store I was in when I went to buy diapers, I did not get her name, but she was the friendliest, and most helpful person there. She didn’t even work there, but she took the time to explain how the diaper worked to me and ultimately we ended up buying it :)

    Crystal Balzer on
  • Thanks for introducing yourselves ladies!!! I love Thirsties too. And Dace, my first piece of advice to get you ready for your little boy is to rest now! Boys never stop moving…ever!

    Bert on

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