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Meet Modern Jurassic and Moon Blossom!

image of diapers with sunflower print and dinosaur print

We are always talking about the three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Cloth diapers fit right in to the world of environmental consciousness, but now we are taking it to the next level. We are not only recycling some sought-after prints (with a twist), but we are providing a way for our customers to reduce and reuse in style!

Remember the craze caused by Sun Blossom and Classic Jurassic? Their counterparts, Moon Blossom and Modern Jurassic, are sure to cause a stir as well!

As their familiar-sounding names indicate, we have recycled the prints and given them a different color palette. Moon Blossom has only a tiny tweak—a navy background replaced the white—while the flowers, bees, binding and snaps stay true to the original, Sun Blossom. The primary blues and greens of Classic Jurassic were replaced with purples, oranges, and teals with Lagoon binding and snaps. For all those who missed out on the originals, we hope these recycled and revamped prints will be a welcome addition to their stash!

The Modern Jurassic and Moon Blossom prints join our Thirsties Simply Sustainable collection in this fall release, combining old favorites with brand new products. As back to school approaches, the Simply Sustainable line will be perfect for packed lunches, organizing back packs and keeping the mess at bay!

Grab the new Moon Blossom and Modern Jurassic prints at your favorite Thirsties retailer now. Retailers, chime in below with your remaining stock and let everyone know where they can find Moon Blossom and Modern Jurassic!

Remember, you can shop Thirsties cloth diapers at your local retailer or online with Thirsties. For other cloth diaper tips and tricks, you can visit Thirsties on Facebook or join the online community, Thirsties Groupies. And don’t forget to checkout the Thirsties Instagram feed, @thirstiesinc.

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