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My Favorite Cloth Diaper Style

Every parent has a favorite, don’t they? I’m not talking about your favorite child - that’s not cool! - I’m talking about your favorite style of cloth diaper. Whether you #tryallthestyles or use the same one from birth to potty-training, there’s usually one kind that you always grab for. favorite cloth diaper type In my case, it’s all-in-ones. For those who may be new to cloth diapering, all-in-one diapers are closest to disposables as far as function. With an attached insert to make diapering as easy as one, two, three, many choose this option particularly for grandparents to use or to send to the sitter. Easy on, easy off. But, AIOs have their downsides. The complaints I hear most are that they’re costlier and take far more time to dry. Totally legitimate arguments. Stilll, I prefer them. Side note: I’ve discovered that not ALL AIOs are created equal. The new Thirsties natural AIOs are my new favorites, and I’m genuinely not just saying that because I’m a Thirsties ambassador here. Seriously! They’re super soft, have incredible absorbency, dry surprisingly quickly, and, of course, are natural (which tends to leave my daughter rash-free and better protected). Guys? I'm. In. Lurve. So, anyway, back to my journey to favoring AIOs. I had purchased a stash of mostly AIOs with my first child, plus a stack of prefolds, a handful of covers, and a couple of pockets. My CD attempts were short-lived, but I honestly didn't give much effort into trying out the prefolds. With our second child, I've given lots of time and kept an open mind to several methods. This time, I had much better luck with the prefolds/covers early on, but as time went on, my old favorites kind of took over during diaper changes. I will sometimes double up on inserts inside a pocket for bedtime, but Harper isn't a huge wetter so it's not necessary. More often than not, though, even bedtime is AIO time. Isn't it weird how we kind of get into habits that just stick? What's your go-to diaper and why? Let us know in the comments! It might be helpful for mamas who are trying to decide on what to get for their stashes. Megan McCoy Dellecese is a wife, mother to two young children, freelance writer, and educator. She shares her attempts at simplifying, among other things, at her blog, Meg Acts Out. When not busy meeting deadlines and chasing cats and kids, she enjoys acting in community theatre (where she met her husband), watching old movies, and sharpening her history buff skills.
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