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No Pants, No Problem - Boy's Edition

cloth diapers on colorful background with text for help
  A little while back, I shared a little “fashion show” of clothes my daughter wears with her cloth diapers- without pants! Summertime is an awesome time to show off your cloth collection since, well, it’s so darn hot. Of course, there are a variety of opinions about whether or not a child should be allowed out in public wearing just a diaper (whether cloth or otherwise), and everyone’s entitled to them. In our case, most of the time we might strip her down if we’re playing at our house or at a relative’s or friend’s, but for the most part we use dresses (which, y’know, what’s the difference when it comes to an almost-2-year-old?) or shorts in public places. But, seriously, whatever you prefer, you do you! Well, I heard some comments that mentioned how fun it is to dress a little girl but that it’s harder to come up with boy options. I agree 100%. We had the HARDEST time finding things that weren’t somehow skulls or had not really great sayings on them or were sports themed (our house is none of those things, but if yours is, great). However, it IS totally possible to go “No Pants, No Problem” in a super cute way with boys. So, today I’m sharing a handful of outfits from my son’s old stash that would be super cute with some Thirsties cloth. And with this next baby on the way, who knows whether they’ll be Team Boy or Team Girl, so it was fun to think about that part of our next phase! Oh, and I do have fewer outfits to share this time around simply because our oldest is 5 now (sob, sob!) and well out of diapers, so I had to dig through the basement stash of clothes quickly to find some smaller, baby/toddler outfits. I swear, it’s possible to find cute boy stuff. While most of the clothes are probably not being sold anymore, I’m letting you know the brands that we’ve loved and trusted over the years. Here goes!

dinosaur tee shirt with cloth diaper

White and Bright - Carter's dinosaur shirt with Moss cover (Celery would be great, too!)

cloth diaper and tee shirt with alligators

Water Adventure - Jumping Beans (Kohl's) alligator tee with Aqua (again, interchangeable with Moss) natural all-in-one

tee shirts and cloth diaper with blue and red stripes

Road Trippin' - Garanimals red, white & blue tee or Jumping Beans blue tie-dyed tee with Road Trip NAIO

cloth diaper and orange tee shirt with a car

Road Trippin' with a Trick - This Jumping Beans onesie could be modified with this simple trick to turn any onesie into a tee shirt. Man, do I wish Road Trip was around when my son was little!

One more thing. We don't necessarily subscribe to the "girls wear pink, boys wear blue" thing. As a child, I was a huge tomboy and I remember that I used to wear the same pair of jeans and my brother's hand-me-down sweatshirt until they were holy and the knees were worn through (they were dark wash and this was NOT a good look...but to make it even better, I would tight roll the bottoms...anyone else relate to that?!). And our daughter has already been found trying to stuff her big brother's clothes in with I surmise we'll have a bit of a Punky Brewster on our hands as far as her fashion goes. And we are SO cool with that.

And our son still likes to try on Mommy's shoes from time to time. Just sayin'. No big. Anyhoo, I hope you enjoyed seeing some boy options (and brands) that go super great with Thirsties. Wasn't that onesie tip the BEST???  

assortment of tee shirts and cloth diapers

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