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The 2016 #MakeClothMainstream Challenge

Happy April, guys! Do you know what that means? It’s Earth Month. And when it’s Earth Month, that means it’s time for the #MakeClothMainstream Challenge! It may sound obvious, but the general idea of the challenge is to broaden people’s awareness of the awesomeness of cloth diapers. The main event is to bring on some cloth newbies (both high profile and general public) to give fluff a try for three weeks (and, hopefully, beyond). The ambassadors who are selected for the challenge post to social media, YouTube, and blogs to let folks know how their journey goes. And, the fact that our beloved Thirsties is one of many excited sponsors behind all the #makeclothmainstream efforts warms our hearts, doesn’t it? The 2016#MakeClothMainstreamChallenge While the kick-off happened last Friday (here are all the participants that were introduced), there’s still plenty of ways to get involved. The Facebook group, The Cloth Diaper Experiment, is ground zero for all things #makeclothmainstream and beyond - all year long. So, whether you’re a newbie or an old pro, feel free to join up and share your questions and/or knowledge! You can also make sure to start implementing the hashtag in any posts using your favorite social media outlet. If there’s fluff on the bum, hashtag it! You may be surprised at how much passive awareness you can raise this way, without beating people over the head with it. Speaking of beating people over the head (hee hee), another way to spread the word is simply to, well, spread the word! Share all things cloth on your Facebook page. Talk about your experience with cloth diapers online. You may notice that, slowly but surely, people may show a curiosity in cloth and may even ask your advice. I don’t consider myself an expert in any means, but friends know they can talk to me and ask about my favorite brands, styles, and methods without getting pressured. It seems that one of the biggest ways folks learn about cloth is through friends and family who’ve given it a try. One last way to get involved? Just use cloth diapers! The more people - strangers out and about, your family, your friends - who see what the “modern” cloth diaper alternative looks like and how NORMAL it really is, the more mainstream they’ll become. If you use them, they will come. So, raise your hand if you joined in on the kick-off festivities! Can you think of another way to help #makeclothmainstream?
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