Brennan, my almost five year old son, for whatever reason has discovered and fallen in love with Strawberry Shortcake. Watching him enjoying movies and TV shows that I loved as a child has been so much fun, however, I have a big bone to pick with all of these updated characters.
Let's look at the Strawberry Shortcake that I knew and loved. I loved her so much that I bought my mom a Strawberry Shortcake video tape for her birthday when I was four years old. (Okay when I say, "I bought" I meant my dad bought.) Now, she's "updated" and, well, really pretty! What about the younger looking Strawberry who was more like me as I was a child? I don't have any qualms with bringing back classic TV characters but why do we have to update them? Then, I found My Little Pony on our Netflix queue. I loved My Little Pony so much! The fun hair, that pony smell the toys had when you opened their package; ah I loved everything about them. The updated version looks so different! I'm not even sure what the premise is for the show now and to be honest I didn't really know what the original My Little Pony story was because I was more into the toys than the TV show.

What bothers me about the updating is that they’re doing it in such a gender-role way. Strawberry was like a doll – now she’s pretty.. pretty hair, pretty clothes, pretty voice, very girly, etc. Same with the Ponies. PONIES. Equal with that is the fact that they’re just getting more and more obnoxious. Louder! Brighter! More aggressive! More flashes! More colour! More attitude! The focus is less on learning lessons and having fun – a la He-Man and more and more teaches that you get rewarded for bad behaviour.
(He-Man was a favourite of mine – it has been updated. Terribly.)
I miss the old teenage mutant ninja turtles! The movie was on TV late one night & I was like a little kid glued to the tv I even woke up our 4 year old whose obsessed so he could see the real ninja turtles
Can’t say I am a fan of the new updated characters. Especially the Ponies… They’re just creepy! If it ain’t broke….. :)
Carebears got an update… And needless to say I am not pleased!
My daughter goes through fazes watching different shows. She watches my little ponies, strawberry shortcake, etc and then she will switch to ninjago, marvel cartoons, etc. I think she gets bored with these shows because there is no educational value whatsoever. The show that stick with her are Daniel Tigers neighborhood, she has picked up on a lot of important things from that show.
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