Brennan, my almost five year old son, for whatever reason has discovered and fallen in love with Strawberry Shortcake. Watching him enjoying movies and TV shows that I loved as a child has been so much fun, however, I have a big bone to pick with all of these updated characters.
Let's look at the Strawberry Shortcake that I knew and loved. I loved her so much that I bought my mom a Strawberry Shortcake video tape for her birthday when I was four years old. (Okay when I say, "I bought" I meant my dad bought.) Now, she's "updated" and, well, really pretty! What about the younger looking Strawberry who was more like me as I was a child? I don't have any qualms with bringing back classic TV characters but why do we have to update them? Then, I found My Little Pony on our Netflix queue. I loved My Little Pony so much! The fun hair, that pony smell the toys had when you opened their package; ah I loved everything about them. The updated version looks so different! I'm not even sure what the premise is for the show now and to be honest I didn't really know what the original My Little Pony story was because I was more into the toys than the TV show.

I like the nostalgia…I don’t like it when they change!
I agree! My son will find something on Netflix and watch it, and I’ll think “oh its from when I was a kid, I know it and its ok” but then he turns it on and it is all revamped, and way different from when I was a kid. I do not like all the reworked cartoons. I prefer the older ones that are not as violent or mature as they make them for audiences today.
I’m okay with the Strawberry Shortcake makeover because she’s clearly still a little girl, maybe a young tween at most. The original is a little too Holly Hobbie-like. I do not like the Rainbow Brite update. She looks like a Barbie now! Yuck!
I loved Strawberry Shortcake, and honestly at that age I really didn’t care how she looked. My problem with the update is that they made her more thin and glamorous. The old version was chubby cheeked and kind of rag doll looking. Even the pose of the new version is flirty. I worry about the message our new media is sending to little girls about what qualities we value.
yes i cant stand the new my little ponies
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