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Thirsties Product Chart

I thought this may come in handy for some of you. :) I have made a Thirsties product chart which outlines the basics of each product, along with what to pair it with, and the price.
Product System Purpose Sizing Price Pair with
One Piece
Duo Diaper Pocket/ Sleeve diaper Waterproof outer plus absorbency 1,2 $18.50-$19.50 Hemp Insert or Doubler for added absorbency
Duo AIO All in One diaper Waterproof outer plus absorbency 1,2 $15.75-$16.75 Hemp Insert or Doubler for added absorbency
Two Piece
Duo Wrap Cover Waterproof outer 1,2 $12.75-$13.75 Stay-Dry Insert, Prefold, or Fitted diaper
Diaper Cover Cover Waterproof outer XS,S,M,L $11.50-$12.00 Prefold or Fitted diaper
Stay-Dry Insert Insert Absorbency 1,2 $7.00 Duo Wrap
Prefold Flat diaper Absorbency 1,2 $8.00 Duo Wrap or Diaper Cover
Duo Fab Fitted Fitted diaper Absorbency 1,2 $17.00 Duo Wrap or Diaper Cover
Hemp Insert Insert Additional absorbency S,L $9.00 - 2 pk Prefold, fitted, AIO, or pocket diaper
Doubler Insert Additional absorbency S,L $7.25 - 3 pk Prefold, fitted, AIO, or pocket diaper
Booty Love Diaper Ointment Barrier on skin or rash treatment 2 oz $14.95 Fab Wipes, Booty Luster
Booty Luster Wipes Spray Skin Cleanser and conditioner 4 oz8 oz $7.75$12.00 Fab Wipes, Booty Love
Fab Wipes Cloth Wipes Wiping diaper area when soiled 8x8 $12.25 Booty Love, Booty Luster
Diaper Pail Liner Pail Liner Storing dirty diapers One size $20.00
Diaper Duffle Diaper Bag Duffle Storing dirty diapers when out One size $7.25 Fab Wipes, Booty Luster 4 oz
You can find all of our products with complete descriptions on our website:

Written by Sonya Choron 2/9/12

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  • I’ve gone back and forth comparing so many times. Thank you for an easy chart.

    Jessica on
  • Love the chart! It will be so helpful when telling people about cloth diapers.

    Sherrie Smith on
  • This is helpful! When I first considered Thirsites I spent a lot of time toggling back and forth between the duo wraps and duo diaper trying to figure out the difference. It’s pretty obvious the difference now, but at the time I was so cluelcess… Thanks!

    Sarah Douglas on
  • This is brililant! Now it’s even easier to enjoy our Thirsties!

    Heather Heslep Morrissey on
  • I wish this had been published three months ago! I would have purchased some fitted diapers along with my pockets. However, still glad I made the choice to go with Thirsties! This will be helpful for when friends start having babies with bums that need diapered.

    Leslie K. on

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