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Traveling With Cloth: Mission Accomplished

About two weeks ago I packed up some shorts, some bathing suits and about half of our stash of Thirsties Cloth Diapers and Cooper and I flew from Colorado to Florida to visit my parents for a long weekend. As promised, I used cloth diapers on the plane and the whole time we were there. I packed my little bag of soap nuts to launder them with, thanks to a tip from a reader, and I was ready to go. And so was Cooper--to go Number One or Number Two, that is. Our flight left before eight so we were up before dawn and driving in the dark. I had Cooper sleeping in his traveling outfit so I just woke him up, popped a clean Duo Fab Fitted and a cover on him and right on time, my sister and her 6 month old pulled up and we headed to the airport. I checked Cooper's diaper as soon as we had checked our bags. It was still dry, no surprise since he had only briefly nursed before getting into the car. I had packed four clean Duo Fab Fitteds and two extra covers, as well as two emergency disposables. Amazingly enough the flight was not full--not even close--and both my sister and I each got a whole row of three seats to ourselves. That's the one plus to open seating--if you have a baby on your lap, many folks keep right on walking and though they might smile or tell me how cute Cooper is, they'd much rather sit next to a quiet stranger who is planning on reading, sleeping or working on his laptop for the whole flight than seemingly charming toddler. I changed Cooper only one time on the flight, right on my lap since I was alone in the row. It was like any other diaper change because it was only wet. I tossed the wet diaper into my wetbag and cinched it tight, thankful that I wasn't going to be the "lady with the funny smell" coming out from under her seat." I suppose if it had been a poopy diaper I would have dumped the solid waste in the airplane toilet like I would have a home, but thankfully, I didn't have to worry about it. At my parents' house I did a full load of diapers on Saturday--which meant all of Fridays dirty diapers and all of Saturdays except for the last two. Then I did a smaller load Sunday night as we packed up for our return trip. I put the wet diaper Cooper had slept in in a wetbag and stuffed it into the suitcase to wash when we were back home in Colorado. All in all, traveling with cloth was much easier than I had anticipated. Sure the diapers took up room in my suitcase and diaper bag, but other than that, there wasn't a single reason why I wouldn't do it again. Of course, I failed to mention Cooper's behavior, not to mention lack of sleeping on both four-hour cloth or disposable, I'm not in a rush to get back on a plane with him anytime soon.
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  • we love traveling with thirsties! our LO’s are allergic to sposies!!

    Amanda oconor on
  • I too have traveled with my CDs, I make my own fitted’s and use thirsties wraps. We went to my mother-in-laws for Thanksgiving, (she is not a CD supporter and thinks we are crazy) we were gone for a week and had no problems taking diaper soap and borrowing washing machines to wash. Last time we visited her we had been given some disposables and so we just used them but this time DH said we are not spending the money on disposables and my mother can get over it. (I laughed) It was much easier to take our CDs and also didn’t get any bum rashes. I don’t know what I would do without my CDs!

    Christina K on
  • Good to know it is not too hard to travel with cloth! I would dread going on a longer trip w/out a washer on site but I am sure it can be done!

    Jessica O on
  • I was amazed the last trip I did with my son, a few months before he PLed. I had planned (like all our plane trips) to do gDiaper disposables and covers. When we got to my aunts house she offered her washing machine (u do cloth diapers right?) I was shocked! I thanked her but since I didn’t know ahead of time we weren’t prepared! We don’t like checking bags though so it might have been a tight fit with cloth :)

    Sierra on
  • Ive been wondering how it is to travel with cloth. Good to know its not too bad!

    Kristin H on

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