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🌎 How every day is Earth Day at Thirsties Baby 🌎

Every April, my news and social feeds are full of blazing banners and special sales promoting their stores...


And while I love a good sale from brands that I use, it is obvious that many stores aren't really doing anything for Earth Day other than grabbing the day to use for their marketing purposes. Here and there, you find a store that is actually true to the tenets of Earth Day, every day, between their manufacturing and end use. 

image of plant in soil

1) Material Sourcing:

Did you know that Thirsties sources over 90% of its raw materials domestically? For a business that relies on textiles, that is an unheard of number. The textile market in the United States has shrunk considerably in the past several decades, being able to purchase locally is a labor of love, and one that impacts many areas of manufacturing. The carbon footprint of domestic sourcing means that less fuel is needed to transport fabric and notions, and local fabric suppliers can stay in business. 

2) Production:

Thirsties sews every product here in the United States, in Denver, Colorado (close to the home office!) The beautiful diaper you put on your baby was not made in a large factory with subpar wages and questionable practices, but instead by a sewist here in the US. This allows for precise quality control as well as ensuring safe labor practices and growing domestic jobs.

3) End Use

Everything Thirsties makes is intended to replace a single use, disposable item. Over the past decade, Thirsties has saved countless disposable diapers from being tossed into landfills, as well as giving growing families more savings for their day to day expenses. Wet bags replace ziplocks and plastic bags, reusable Swim Diapers replace disposable swim diapers, Trainers replace pull-ups, the list goes on and on. The best part? After using our products on their baby, our customers often resell our products to another family to extend that product's journey.

image of globe with white background

Earth Day is a great time to reflect on the choices we make for ourselves and our family, and shopping at Thirsties Baby means that every day is Earth Day

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