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4 Reasons Cloth Diapers are Summertime's BFF

Hooray! Summer is officially upon us. For those in the American Southwest, I apologize for my excitement; I know it's beyond stiflingly hot out there. Sorry! But, as an educator, I am stoked to be home to focus on my family and writing projects this summer. I'm even happier that our little girl will be sporting a fluff bum 100% of the time. So, why are cloth diapers perfect for summertime? I'm sharing my favorite reasons today.
The Only Wardrobe Baby Needs - Aside from some safe sunscreen and a floppy hat, a cloth diaper is all the wardrobe you need to worry about on those super hot days. Could you do this in disposables? Sure. But, the fabric and downright adorableness trump sposies any day, right? Double as Swim Diapers - If you're in a pinch for a swim diaper while vacationing, an old (unstuffed) pocket diaper shell will do the trick. You can even opt for an old cover or Duo Wrap (if your child is comfortable with the lamination against his/her skin) and it will work just fine. How's that for versatile? Ocean Life, All the Way - Thirsties, in particular, has your back when it comes to sporting summer cloth. From School of Fish to Sand Dollar to Ocean Life (or even their bright, fun solid colors!), you can use whatever your favorite cloth diaper style is in one of their beachy prints and it will shout "It's summer, let's go on vacation!" Even for those sweltering days indoors, you and baby can feel like you’re chilling at the seashore. It’s Not as Hard to Vacation in Diapers as You May Guess - Depending on the type of vacation you’re planning, your diapering may not be any more challenging than with disposables. If you’re going to be hitting up hotels or renting a cabin/house, check out whether or not they have a laundry area for you to put to use. This helpful post even gives tips on camping (or vacationing where you may not have a washer nearby) with cloth. Many families swear by flats/prefolds with Duo Wraps or covers for this purpose, but the goal is to have quick-drying, easy-washing solutions. These are just a few of my favorite summertime options. Do you have any to add? We’d love to hear your favorite thing about cloth diapering in the summertime in the comments below! Save
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