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Do You Use a Cloth Diaper Sprayer?

image of diaper sprayer
So there I was changing the stinkiest, stickiest (yes, stickiest) post-chili poopy diaper ever. Cooper, as usual was attempting the alligator death roll. I somehow managed to fold the diaper quickly enough so that he didn't get an ankle or worse, a whole leg covered. I wiped him clean and then put his diaper on while he stood up. I never thought I'd be so good at putting a Duo Fab Fitted and cover on a standing baby. But I've had to adapt. But of course, as is the case with cloth diapers, I still had one more task to do...I had to get the poo off of the diaper and into the toilet. This was no "log" and the old "flick, roll, plop," routine was not going to work. This was going to involve some "peeling, plucking and wiping." While I was dumping the diaper, I suddenly thought of diaper sprayers and how handy one would have come in right then. In case you've never heard of them, diaper sprayers are little hoses with high-power spray nozzles that attach to your toilet pump. They pump clean water from your pipes, through the hose and can be used to spray the solid waste off of cloth diapers and into the toilet--the same job I do with a piece of toilet paper. Apparently, they are quite easy to install and work really well. But then, I wonder, how do you carry the dripping diaper back to your diaper pail? Do the wet diapers smell more or less than dry? These are things I don't know the answers to because I don't have a diaper sprayer. Cooper is my third and final baby and he's already 15 months old. We will not be investing in a diaper sprayer at this point, though I really like the idea and by some of the reviews I've read, some parents swear by them. If you use a diaper sprayer, tell us about it. Was it easy to install? What do you do with the wet diapers--do you leave your diaper pail in the bathroom? Would you recommend a sprayer to your friends considering cloth-diapering their babies?
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  • This is r last (5) baby and first in cloth. So far we haven’t installed one, but at 9 months old we still get quite a few that won’t just plop either. I think we r going to install one soon.

    Kelly Evans on
  • Since my baby is still only breastfed I’m not using a diaper sprayer now, but I’ll definitely get one for when he starts solids!! It’s such a handy device!

    Karianne on
  • It’s been on my must-have list since I started CD about a month ago, but didn’t feel the need… until DD started spacing out her poops. Now I can’t get one soon enough! LOL. What a mess… ;)

    Jess Giampietro on
  • Oh, by the way, a few days ago my son threw up. We had to use up a lot of towels to get it cleaned off the floor (thankfully it happened on linoleum this time), and after that the diaper sprayer came in really handy for getting the majority of the stuff cleaned off the towels before we put them in the washer.

    Marcelaine on
  • I don’t have one, but after reading about it on this blog I am considering one for when baby starts solid foods.

    Lisa on

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