Here at Thirsties, we're passionate about the Great Outdoors. Camping, hiking, simply basking in the breathtaking beauty - it's one of the things that make life great. That's why we're ecstatic to share with you our newest release - during the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service - Thirsties Outdoor Adventure Collection. The Collection includes 4 new nature-inspired prints and 1 new color. Available in all your favorite sizes, styles, and absorbencies, these colors and prints evoke the fun, serene calm, and beauty of the outdoors.
Happy Camper[/caption] This hand-drawn print served as the starting point for the Outdoor Adventure Collection. Our designer doodled some of our favorite aspects of camping and scanned them into her computer, resulting in an adorable work of art. With cheerful birds, quaint picnic tables, classic canoes, s'mores by the camp fire, pop up tents, and even line-drying diapers, this print will make any #ThirstiesBaby a Happy Camper! [caption id="attachment_8261" align="aligncenter" width="450"]
Adventure Trail[/caption] Notice the little raccoon in Happy Camper? Well, this little guy joins a couple of his woodland friends in our next print, Adventure Trail. This print showcases some of our favorite outdoor activities: hiking, nature watching, fishing, and canoeing. Blue snaps compliment the color palette, giving this print a "rustic chic" look. Blue trim is available in our Duo Wrap and OS Pocket Diaper product lines. [caption id="attachment_8262" align="aligncenter" width="450"]
Midnight Blue[/caption] The navy blue found throughout the Outdoor Adventure Collection is our new solid, Midnight Blue. Paired with white snaps and white trim (in select diaper lines) this solid gives the Collection a touch of modern sophistication and would be a classic addition to anyone's cloth diaper stash. [caption id="attachment_8264" align="aligncenter" width="450"]
Mountain Bike[/caption] Given that some of #TeamThirsties commute to work via bike, it's no surprise that "Mountain Bike" is a new favorite for many of us. When viewed at a distance this print has a funky geometric feel. Take a closer look and details of mountains, clouds, bikes, trees, and birds give this print a sense of adventure and fun. Not to miss out on any fun, our little raccoon even makes a cameo in 'Mountain Bike." [caption id="attachment_8266" align="aligncenter" width="450"]
Birdie[/caption] After a morning flight along the tree line in "Mountain Bike," a family of cheerful yellow birds settle in amongst the flowers and leaves in the final Outdoor Adventure print, "Birdie." Aqua snaps coordinate with the print's details and create a lovely contrast with the adorable yellow birdies. (Duo Wrap and OS Pocket Diaper diaper lines feature aqua trim as well.) Rainbow tulips and variegated leaves make this a beautifully whimsical print that captures the serenity of the outdoors.
The Outdoor Adventure Collection[/caption] The Outdoor Adventure Collection releases on November 2, 2016 and can be purchased individually or in packages in the following diaper lines: Duo Wrap, Natural Newborn All In One, Natural One Size All In One, One Size Pocket Diaper, One Size All In One, Newborn All In One, and Wet Bag.