Brennan, my almost five year old son, for whatever reason has discovered and fallen in love with Strawberry Shortcake. Watching him enjoying movies and TV shows that I loved as a child has been so much fun, however, I have a big bone to pick with all of these updated characters.
Let's look at the Strawberry Shortcake that I knew and loved. I loved her so much that I bought my mom a Strawberry Shortcake video tape for her birthday when I was four years old. (Okay when I say, "I bought" I meant my dad bought.) Now, she's "updated" and, well, really pretty! What about the younger looking Strawberry who was more like me as I was a child? I don't have any qualms with bringing back classic TV characters but why do we have to update them? Then, I found My Little Pony on our Netflix queue. I loved My Little Pony so much! The fun hair, that pony smell the toys had when you opened their package; ah I loved everything about them. The updated version looks so different! I'm not even sure what the premise is for the show now and to be honest I didn't really know what the original My Little Pony story was because I was more into the toys than the TV show.

I love the vintage look of all my favorites!!
We haven’t gotten into a lot of character stuff yet as my son is only 17 months old, but I have to admit I don’t hate today’s Sesame Street!
Tv Producers always seem to update characters so that children now a days will accept the way they look b/c it’s the image that society has put out there. Sadly even childrens cartoon characters get a “face lift”.
I’m so glad my little one is still too young for TV so I can minimize my exposure to this stuff (and hers, of course, but it irks me too much!)
I was nervous when I saw that they had made Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood as an offshoot of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, but we actually really like it. I love the values and the lessons it teaches and I love being able to use the jingles to help my kids remember to do the right thing.
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