Having three children, now (thankfully) all out of diapers, I've researched and written on the subject. One thing I was surprised to learn was that children today are potty-training much later than they were 50 and even 100 years ago. With technology, the internet and the advances in medicine and science, it's almost hard to comprehend that potty-training has actually regressed. We're so used to faster-better-new-and-improved-at-your-fingertips-millisecond EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME in 2015, that it's completely contrary to all of the progress we've made in other areas. Why is this? I did some more research and a little brainstorming. After a quick Google search, I found and enjoyed reading: A History of Potty Training. The invention of disposable diapers has actually negatively impacted how quickly children potty train—if you are using age as a measure. According to PottyTrainingConcepts.com:
- In the 1950s, almost a 100% of children wore cloth diapers and 95% of these children were trained by the age of 18 months.
- In the 1980s, about 50% of children wore cloth diapers, while the other 50% wore disposable diapers and only about 50% of the children were potty trained by the age of 18 months.
- Today, almost 90-95% of children wear disposable diapers and only about 10% of children are potty trained by the age of 18 months.
- Today, the average age for potty training is about 30 months with the age ranging from 18-60 months.
this is very interesting! I hadnt seen those stats before
I have potty trained both of my older kiddos really letting them lead the way. I waited until they were ready and excited to do it. My oldest basically potty trained himself.
I look forward to the day when I don’t have to change another diaper. I plan to do some gentle nudging my daughter towards potty training when she starts showing signs, encouraging her all the way. That’s the plan. I have yet to experience potty training, so we’ll see how it actually works out.
I potty trained my daughter by 21 months. I had hoped for 18 but wasn’t dedicated enough since she wasn’t walking until 17 months. This time I plan to do more EC than with my first. Still shooting for 18 months.
My baby is due in June so I don’t have experience potty training yet, but I hope that cloth diapering will help him when it comes time to potty train.
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