Having three children, now (thankfully) all out of diapers, I've researched and written on the subject. One thing I was surprised to learn was that children today are potty-training much later than they were 50 and even 100 years ago. With technology, the internet and the advances in medicine and science, it's almost hard to comprehend that potty-training has actually regressed. We're so used to faster-better-new-and-improved-at-your-fingertips-millisecond EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME in 2015, that it's completely contrary to all of the progress we've made in other areas. Why is this? I did some more research and a little brainstorming. After a quick Google search, I found and enjoyed reading: A History of Potty Training. The invention of disposable diapers has actually negatively impacted how quickly children potty train—if you are using age as a measure. According to PottyTrainingConcepts.com:
- In the 1950s, almost a 100% of children wore cloth diapers and 95% of these children were trained by the age of 18 months.
- In the 1980s, about 50% of children wore cloth diapers, while the other 50% wore disposable diapers and only about 50% of the children were potty trained by the age of 18 months.
- Today, almost 90-95% of children wear disposable diapers and only about 10% of children are potty trained by the age of 18 months.
- Today, the average age for potty training is about 30 months with the age ranging from 18-60 months.
It’s interesting to see how different it is now. We aren’t at the potty training stage yet but hope cloth diapering will help make it an easier transition.
My daughter day-time potty trained a little over two, but she still wears diapers at naps and bedtime and they are still wet every time! (This is now a full year after she day potty trained). It is frustrating!!! At least it’s cloth though, huh? :)
I’ve always heard that cloth diapered children potty train earlier because they can feel the mess in their diapers, where as with disposables, not so much. I completely skipped training pants or disposable pull-ups because of this little fact and indeed had her trained by 2 and a half years old! Friends of mine who use disposables are still shelling out $$$ for their 3+ year old children. It’s almost worth it for them to just go diaper-less and follow them around like a brand new puppy! Haha But potty training is tough and a dreaded task, no matter the diapering method. I’m guilty of putting it off for a few weeks, even when my first was showing signs of being ready. I wasn’t ready.. for the mess… and poop nuggets! LMAO That killed me! ;)
We put out a toddler potty when my daughter was around a year old so she could practice sitting on it and become familiar with the idea, especially since she likes to join us in the bathroom. We then started suggesting she sit on the potty, especially when she was not wearing a diaper, starting around 18 months old. By around 20 months she was mainly trained in the house, but we would put a diaper on her when we left the house. Around 22 months we started leaving the house with no diaper, and around 25 she stopped wearing a diaper during the day at all, including nap times. Now she is 28 months and only wears a night time diaper still. We haven’t rushed her through any of the stages and pretty much let her tell us whether she wanted the diaper on or not. We are expecting baby number two in the next few weeks and plan to the same. Both my first and second daughter will have spent their whole diapering time in cloth.
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