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How To Replace Aplix

For those of you who have learned to sew, or want to try, you can add new life to your diapering products after the item is out of warranty. It does take a little time, but it is well worth it if the item is still in good shape otherwise. You will need two male closure tabs, two female closure tabs, and two laundry tabs per item. If you are replacing the Aplix strip in front, you will need some 1 ½ inch loop tape as well. Use a jeans needle to be able to penetrate the Aplix and avoid skipped stitches. Use a strong cotton or cotton/polyester blend thread. For closure tabs:
  1. Cut off rounded end of old Aplix tab, taking care not to cut the fabric.
    image of sewing
  2. Rip out the stitching from both the top and bottom Aplix tab.
    image of sewing
  3. Center new male tab on inside of cover or diaper, and stitch from top of tab to bottom (over the white binding) to secure. Center female tab on front of cover or diaper, and line up with the bottom male tab. 
    image of sewing
  4. Stitch through male and female tab where the male and female loops start, about 1/8 inches from edge.
    image of sewing
If you are interested in more photos in the tutorial, please send me a note at :) ~Sonya
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  • Where can I buy the tabs? I need to do this to all of my Thirsties covers

    Ruth on
  • Hi ladies!

    I have a complete tutorial with a whole lot of photos, but it is to large for the blog post. Please email us if you would like the whole tutorial. I do plan on doing a video in my spare time. ;)


    Sonya on
  • Awesome tutorial and pictures, thanks!

    Mary Michaud on
  • I am so glad you posted this!! I just bought a bunch of second hand dipes that are in desperate need of some aplix replacing and was wondering exactly how to go about it. Thank you!!! :)

    Jennifer Kelley on
  • Thanks for the tutorial!

    Jennifer B on

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