Cooper just turned one and it's gotten me thinking about (drum roll, please): Potty Training. Many parents of twelve-month
olds are not thinking about potty training any more than they're thinking about sending their baby off to college: He's not ready! She's too young. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Though no studies have been done that I'm aware of, many moms say that babies in cloth train faster and that disposable pull-ups do nothing but prolong the process. Cloth diapers, unlike their disposable-Sodium-Polacrylate-filled counterparts, feel wet to the touch when they are wet or soiled. This means two things: babies and toddlers learn to dislike the wet feeling and have more of a motivation to stay dry AND they learn the cause and effect of their bodily functions: I pee, I feel wet. Toddlers who pee in a disposable diaper lose that cause and effect lessen: I pee, I still feel pretty dry. Why stop playing to use the potty when you can pee right in your disposable and feel just as good? I think pull-up disposables were invented for two reasons:
- so they would "seem" more like underwear because they pull up and down like underwear and
- they are easier to put on a standing baby. As a former nanny (over ten years, thank you very much) I stayed with each family I worked with for an average of three years---birth right through potty training, until the kids were off to preschool. So between helping to potty-train three children I nannied for and so far two of my own, it's fair to say I have some experience.
My LO has been potty trained since before his 2nd Bday thanks to cloth!!! Best accidental win ive ever had!
I look forward to learning more about potty training with cloth, but truthfully I’m not ready to potty train! I love the cute diapers and can’t justify buying more if I won’t be using them for a while! Also, it would mean my baby is a big boy, and I’m also not ready for that.
My mom says I was potty trained at 12 months and I’m not trying to push my daughter into anything she is not ready for, but if I only had 6 more months of changes to go thru, I will miss the cute cloth, but she is just getting too darn squirmy for the process of changes!
My youngest has suddenly lost interest in using the toilet. She will sit on it regularly, but nothing comes out, as she pees in her diaper. We use cloth already, and this child is quite happy to run around with a fully loaded diaper without complaint, so being wet isn’t a deterrent for her. I am going to try no absorption at all, I.e. Panties only or naked, and am hoping maybe she will dislike the way the pee runs down her legs when she wets herself. I don’t know what else to do, as she is almost three and her older sister went through identical conditions to train, but was fully trained (I.e. Not even at night) since she was 3.
I know I shouldn’t put too much emphasis on numbers, but she was doing really well, waking up dry, and has completely lost interest. I am sure she is ready, she is just enjoying the convenience of going in her diaper.
This is informative! It’ll be a while before I start potty training (my daughter’s only 11 months!), but it’s great to know this info is here!
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