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A Look Back and a Peek Ahead...

image of 2013 year
Happy 2013, everyone! Here are some highlights from the past year:
  • We took trips to Florida, Vermont and Tennessee to visit family (and on one of those trips I used only my Thirsties, including on the plane).
  • Kate, our four year old broke her arm not once, but twice, but learned to ride a two-wheeler and swim underwater completely on her own despite the time she spent in a cast.
  • Lauren started first grade and has taught herself how to do front handsprings on the trampoline. She's has a very active social life for a seven-year old and would be happiest if she could have back-to-back-to-back playdates.
  • Cooper, who will turn two in February of 2013 is finally putting two words together "blue car," "yellow car," "daddy's car," and "kick it." He can also name almost every kind of ball: "Foobbah, boccabah, backetbah." For someone who has two older sisters and is surrounded by pink, he seems determined to bring some testosterone to the house,  and honestly it's rather refreshing. He also seems determined to avoid ever peeing on the potty.
  • We welcomed another member to our family: Sam the kitten. He fits right in with his extremely affectionate personality, high energy level and his tendency to get into mischief.
  • We also lost our almost 13 year old family dog in mid-December and so we're adjusting to being a cat family. While I am vacuuming less and no longer picking up dog poop in the backyard, I miss my old girl like crazy. She was worth every bit of extra work I had to do to care for her 115 pounds of pure hairy love.
  • For the past four months or so I've kept my promise of no longer buying any cleaning products from the store. I've made my own all purpose cleaner using a citrus/vinegar base (see picture) and I've used baking soda, vinegar, Tea Tree Oil and colloidal silver for just about everything else. In addition to making my own laundry detergent for my clothes, I've been using soap nuts for my cloth diapers. I'm still relying on a left-over bottle of store bought glass cleaner for my windows and mirrors so if anyone knows of any streak-free homemade, all-natural glass cleaning solutions, please let me know.
  • In 2013 I plan to continue making and using my homemade cleaning products, to always remember to put my my re-usable grocery bags in the car before I leave for the store, to potty-train Cooper and to spend less time cleaning the house and more time playing with my kids. Seriously. The crumbs on the floor can wait another half an hour but my kids won't. They are growing up way too fast.
Are you making any New Year's Resolutions this year?  
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  • I love the remembering to put the reusable bags in the car. I am doing better, but every so often forget them and then debate about going home but decide the cost in gas is too much.

    Lindsay on
  • I don’t know if you use regular dish detergent but this is how Don Aslett does it.

    Sorry to hear about your doggie. :(

    Julie on

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