Before I became a parent and even after I had my son, I never understood how anyone could want to sit alone in a restaurant or a coffee shop. Didn't they feel completely awkward with the silence? Didn't they miss the conversation with another? What on earth were they thinking about? Their food? The place setting or decor of the restaurant? It was beyond me to even understand those "weirdos" who enjoyed the company of themselves. That is...until I had more than one child.
I get it now and I actually crave it. Depending on the kind of day I've had, the kids will go to bed and I will revel in the silence of the house. I will turn on my TV and watch anything that doesn't have a talking animal, fairy or cartoon girl with buttons for eyes. Is it reality TV? Yes. Is it a nighttime TV drama that borderlines on a soap opera? Why yes, yes it is! It's anything that's mindless, doesn't involve me thinking about responsibilities or the well-being of another human being. Sitting alone at restaurants? I love it now! I can eat a meal at one time without any interruptions. I don't have to stop eating to get more water or spaghetti or any other thing that causes me to never finish a hot meal in one sitting. I can sit and eat; I hear my own thoughts when I'm alone. There's no one to badger me about wanting to watch more TV or invite someone over for a playdate. I don't have to referee who had what toy first or try to decipher the cries of my youngest, who has learned that she can fain getting her own way by shedding a few tears. There's none of that; I can sit, in peace and the only voice I hear are my own thoughts. It's not that I don't love being a stay-at-home mom; I do. It is by far the best job I have ever have and will ever have but that doesn't mean that I'm supermom who can do it all without a break for herself. Clark Kent enjoyed his job at the Daily Planet when he wasn't out saving the world as Superman. I look at my "me" time as my Daily Planet job; the time I get to spend where no one needs anything of me. I can get recharged; I can come back refreshed and ready to love and care for my children and husband. So are you making sure that you're getting some "me" time in daily? Even if it's for 30 minutes a day, are you making sure that you're stepping away from life to care for yourself? I really believe that as a mother it's one of the most important things we can do: be alone, with our thoughts. Whether it's hitting the pavement with a pair of running shoes or sitting at your local coffee house with nothing more than a book or your tablet, you need that time to yourself. Stay-at-home mom or working mom, there has to be a time set aside each day where the only person you are focusing on is yourself. You'll be a better mother for it.
Parent Tested, Baby Approved
Not a mom yet but I need to make sure to find some mom time once the baby comes. :) Maybe a nice hot bath in the evenings :)
Me time is hard as a mom! I always had a a hard time leaving my child with someone when he was really little and now that he is two and a half he has a hard time letting me leave him.
I don’t really get any me time. Maybe an hour before bed watching tv in a comatose state with my husband? I tried a bath last night but the baby woke up to nurse… yawn
I think firm bed times help my sanity. When my kids were younger, 8:00 was in the bed, lights out. Now that they are older, they can hang out and decompress in their room for a while. It’s harder when they have after school activities that make for long evenings. But I look forward to when my husband and I can sit and read or watch a movie after they are in bed!
My mommy time consists of a shower and washing my hair. I’ve stayed in there so long the water has gone cold. Even though many times it gets interrupted by little ones barging in asking what am I doing and my “mommy schizophrenia” of thinking I hear the baby crying when he’s not.
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