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The Potty Training Fight: Not worth the battle...for now.

Potty Training Fight. Bert Anderson for Thirsties
Well, I thought my daughter was ready to potty train this past December. She exhibited the signs: dryness when she woke up from her nap, telling me when she went in her diaper and then wanting it changed, and she was showing interest. One Saturday morning we decided that we would just dive right in. The first week went well; better than I had expected. She even pooped on the potty which is something my son struggled with when we were training him. Then the busyness of the holidays happened and little by little she became more careless. After a few weeks we started to just let her walk around the house pantless. Man, I got tired of looking at her naked little bottom half! So, I thought that perhaps we just needed to be persistent and have her wear underwear around the house so she got used to the idea that even though she was wearing something she still had to actually use the toilet to relieve herself. We had a few mishaps but for a week things were looking up. Then a change happened and everything went downhill; it's unexplainable really. I think the problem started because of our busy schedule. Three days a week my son has preschool and, naturally, his little sister is along for the ride. When we're out and about I have been using disposable trainers so basically, there's nothing uncomfortable about having an accident in a Pull-Up. It was a few accidents here and there when we were away from home and then she was consistently having accidents at home. I took away the underwear and went back to her being pantless when we were at home. No such luck, suddenly she was peeing all over the floor like she did when she was 18 months old (she's 32 months now). So, I've gone back to using diapers on her and you know what? She's completely fine with that. She hated being told what to do and the battle of wills has just been too much for this pregnant mama to bear! For some reason, it was a hard pill to swallow. I felt like it was my fault; did I push her too soon? The more I think about it, the more I begin to believe that she really was showing me that she was ready. Now, for whatever reason, she just doesn't care. It's not my fault and eventually she'll be interested again. She's been back in cloth diapers for four days now and she isn't bothered by it at all. One day she'll be out of diapers today just isn't that day.
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  • It’s interesting to read other moms’ experiences with potty training their babies. My son is nowhere near ready at 14 months. He still loves to stare at me while he’s pooping. lol

    Mary Schuh on
  • It’s always nice to hear similar stories. My son is 3.5 and very resistant, and as I don’t want to push him, it’s taking longer than I had wanted. Once it gets warmer out I’ll try some naked time (tough when we’ve been getting snow every other day!), but he’s been doing better with the pull-up types which will lead to me trying some cloth trainers with him. I just started CDing so I’m getting the hang of it and feel confident that we can kick regular diapers by summer.

    Carolyn on
  • My daughter is 28 months old and I am 6 months pregnant and I would LOVE it if I could get her potty trained by the time her brother is born but you truely can’t force it. She shows some signs of readiness but when she sits on the potty she wont go. Having 2 in cloth diapers can’t be that bad, right?!

    Jessica O on
  • My son is 19 months and potty training is something that causes me anxiety! It seems so daunting, but I’m sure, as with all adventures in parenting, once you’re in the thick of it, instincts take over and one simply does the best one can. I’m just hoping that the fella will be all about being free of diapers!

    Adrienne N. on
  • Good luck! It sounds like success is just around the corner.

    Kathryn A on

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